06 - yes

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"Be my girlfriend, yeah?" You were stunned by his words, taking a step back. "W-what?" You stare at his face, shocked at his words.

"Leo...I like you. I do. The moment I saw you...everything you did, the way you looked...I was so charmed. I fell... deep for you." You listened to his words, looking away, thinking about how he has treated ever since you joined the school. 

"You...do?" You look up into his eyes, mumbling quietly. Heeseung chuckles, nodding. "So, your answer Leo...do I get to call myself your boyfriend?" Your heart was beating so quick right now, you could only nod, your cheeks pink.

Heeseung sighs in relief smiling wildly, pulling you in for a hug. "I like you so so much, Leonor, I think I love you already." You gently wrap your arms around him back, as you feel him pull away from the hug, his hands gently caressing your cheek. And that was how you lost your first kiss. 

You feel his lips on yours, and something inside you starts fluttering like excitement, as you slowly followed how he kissed you, kissing him back. You pull away soon gasping for air, looking at Heeseung, smiling softly, your cheeks red.

"You're so cute, baby." He whispers.


"Jungwon!" Jaeun struggles in his grip, as she jumps up and down trying to get out of his grasp. "Soh Jaeun!" He shouts, making her flinch, as she stood still in shock, like a puppy. Jungwon notices, giggling and her expression, patting her head gently. 

"Just listen to me, Jae Jae, okay?" Jaeun blushes at the nickname, letting him pull her along. "Where are we going even?" Jaeun asks softly, confused at why Jungwon wouldn't let go of her hand. 

"Wow..." Jaeun is surprised to see that Jungwon had his own Mercedes and driver too, sitting in the car with him, as his driver brought them to a mall, and Jungwon pulls her into an arcade. "Play with me, Jae Jae.." 

Jaeun blushes, letting Jungwon teach her how to play all of the games, before it was soon afternoon. He takes her to a famous cake shop in the mall, sitting her down with coffee and her favourite cake, strawberry shortcake, sharing a slice with her.

"Jungwon...why...why did you bring me here to play...and even bring me to eat my favourite cake...?" She asked paying more attention to the cake than him. Jungwon's cheeks were slightly pink, his ears turn red.

"Jae-Jaeun ah..." "Hmm?" Jaeun was savouring the cake before her,  not looking at him. "I-I...I like..." She looks up at him puzzled. "You like...?The cake?" She points at the half eaten cake in front of both of them, and Jungwon wanted to facepalm himself right then and there.

"Jaeun...I...I like you." Jaeun took seconds to register his words into her brain, as the fork that was about to cut the next bite of the cake suddenly halts, dropping her fork to the table. "You...You like...me...?" She speaks so softly, as if in shock, surprise and joy all at once. 

Jungwon worriedly eyes her expression, before nodding softly. "Y-yeah...I...I like you." Jaeun smiles after a minute in happiness. "That's a relief...I like you too, Jungwon." Jungwon's cat eyes widen in surprise, grabbing her hand in excitement. "You do?" Jaeun nods, and as if something clicked in them, Jungwon immediately grabs her cheeks, pulling her face close to his, pressing his lips to hers immediately.


You were sitting in the living room in the villa, doing your schoolwork, as Heeseung accompanied you, do his schoolwork too. "I like your house, Leo..." Heeseung looks around in surprise, noticing the pool overlooking the sea and a beach. "Thanks, my dad...bought it for me...after my mother enrolled me to study here in Korea." 

"Were you not from Korea? I thought you were Korean." You chuckle, looking at Heeseung. "I'm actually Japanese, Hee." He gasps in surprise. "Wow, and your Korean is so good..." You giggle, shaking your head. "I learnt it when I was younger." 

You and Heeseung were enjoying your time, and soon Jaeun shows up at home too with Jungwon. "Leo..! Jungwon is my b-" Jaeun's jaw drops in shock seeing Heeseung sit at the dining table with you. "O-oh, Heeseung, hi." You chuckle seeing her face, greeting Jungwon, as you notice their hands intertwined together, chuckling. 

"Sit down, Jae." The maids start to prepare dinner for the four of you, as Gaeul was in her office working. "So...what were you saying earlier Jae?" Jaeun blushes, looking at you and Heeseung then to Jungwon, before spilling the news proudly.

"Jungwon's my boyf-" "Your boyfriend? I figured, Jae." Jaeun slaps your shoulder playfully, before looking at Heeseung and you. "Us too, Jae." You giggle, leaning over to hold Heeseung's already stretched out hand. "O-oh my god...wow..." Jaeun was at a lost for words, and you chuckle, before dinner was served. 

"I could get used to this double date thing."

Entwined Hearts | Lee Heeseungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن