"Attention, passengers, there is a medical emergency on our flight. If there are any medical personnel on the plane, we greatly appreciate your help."

I was starting to panic when someone from behind came to rescue.

"I'm a Doctor, I can help." When he came, I realized I wasn't the main character here. I'm just a stupid extra.

He calmly observes the patient for a few seconds and then he begin to introduce himself, trying to get a response. When he didn't get any, he asked, "Is there anyone who was travelling with him?"

"Me, we're colleagues," someone answered.

"Do you know any of his medical history?" he asked while he examined his body. There we found out that the patient has some swelling in his throat and in his hands and there are hives present.

"He had asthma, that's all I know."

"I think he's having Anaphylactic shock." He turns to one of the cabin crew and asked, "I need an Epinephrine,"

The cabin crew then took the medicine from the first aid kit and gave it to him and then he administered it on the patient.

We all waited like a suspense scene from a movie. After a few moments, the patient let out a whooping sound coming from his mouth and begun showing some small movements. He seemed to feel much better now. He then checked his pulse and vitals.

Everybody claps their hands rejoicing when we saw an improvement. Everybody witness how competent he was, and they were praising him. Everybody looks up at him like a hero. The pilot and the cabin crew were asking him if we should land or not. Everyone ask for his opinion and his decision was very important, like he became the leader of our flight instantly.

"Can you bring me his bag? There might be some of his medications that could possibly help me know more about his medical history," he asked from the patient's colleague.

When he was able to make sure that everything is now under control, he asked the cabin crew to move him at the front of the plane, right by the cockpit for them to have more space and privacy and he continued monitoring him every now and then just to make sure.

"Thank God! Ellie's here with us." Vlance smiled in relief.

"Did you see that? We had just witness how gifted he is," she praised him looking so proud with her eye filled with awe.

Honestly, I was so ashamed of how useless I was when all I want is to help. That was a huge slap for me. I was so jealous that I literally oath to myself to implement hiring medics personnels in the crew and make all the flight crew get a proper training and seminar for this. I' am literally losing my insanity.

He won this round, again.

1 - 4


I know that situations like this is something that we should not take as play-game. Somebody's life is at risk. I admit, I'm terribly awful for thinking immaturely just because I feel threatened and insecure. I never felt this way to anyone but him. However, even though I feel bitter towards him and think of him as a rival, I'm still thankful he was able to save a life and make our flight less inconvenient for the other passengers as well as the entire Aircrew.


Boston, Massachusetts, USA

"So where did you book your stay?" she asked the moment we arrived.

I know she had already booked a suite, but I just pretended like I don't know. "My secretary arranged everything and all we have to do is wait for the chauffeur to come. How about you, have you already booked a place to stay? You should cancel your reservation now and let's just stay at one place." I found out that the hotel where she booked her stay was the same hotel that will accommodate the Business Convention. It's not that because I want to compete her boyfriend, but I must stay at the same hotel purely because of business. My assistant booked the hotel's Penthouse Suite for me.

I MARRIED A PSYCHO [The Eligible Bachelors Series]Where stories live. Discover now