8 - School Trip Time 2nd Period

Start from the beginning

In a dimly lit room , the sole source of light emanated from beneath Karasuma , who sat at his desk engaged in conversation with an unidentified man . The shadows heightened the intrigue of the discussion unfolding in the obscure setting .

" Your target this time is a teacher leading students on a school trip "

On Karasuma's desk a picture of Koro Sensei in his teacher disguise stood prominently , adding a touch of nostalgia or perhaps significance to the mysterious conversation unfolding in the dimly lit room .

" You may have heard that this teacher is not human . It's not that I doubt your skills , but make all necessary preparations "

Karasuma raised the bullet presenting it to the man standing before him creating a tense and dramatic moment in their interaction .

" The name is Red Eye . I'm an assassin .. a sniper "

Red Eyes accepted the bullet from Karasuma , signaling his readiness to undertake the task assigned by him . The exchange added an air of anticipation to the unfolding events .

Red Eye had short blond hair and dark eyes that are normally covered by dark sunglasses and fair skin . He is commonly seen with a poncho and wears a beanie over his head . When the God of Death came to kill him while he was travelling, he was seen without his hat and sunglasses .

As the train emerged from the tunnel , a serene landscape unfolded , featuring a picturesque crystal lake . Currently in their free time , a group consisting of Maehara , Isogai , Kataoka , Okano , Yada , Hinano and Kimura enjoyed the scenic beauty alongside Koro Sensei , who marveled at the breathtaking view .

" Wow ! With no windows , you can really feel it move ! It's so open , I won't get trainsick and 25 KPH is nice and fast "

" Say Mr. Mach 20 "

Maehara and Isogai exchanged nods , signaling an unspoken understanding . In the background , Kataoka and Hinano observed Koro Sensei with Yada and Okano . The group occupied seats on a train surrounded by numerous civilians , adding a layer of normalcy to the extraordinary scene .

" Almost there . The sniper shot we've chosen is a famous stop along the Sagano Tram line , The Hozu River Bridge "

The train halted on the expansive Hozu River Bridge , offering a stunning view of a boat filled with tourists rowing down the stream beneath . Meanwhile , the intercom crackled to life , possibly announcing information or points of interest , enhancing the experience for both the characters and the passengers .

" We'll be making a brief stop on the bridge"

Hinano rose from her seat to get a better view as the boat passed under the bridge, her curiosity drawn to the scenic edges and surroundings .

" Oh , look , Koro Sensei ! They're going downstream ! "

Hinano is captivated by the view , pointed downward with her index finger , directing attention to something intriguing beneath the bridge as the boat continues its serene journey .

" Let me see ! "

As Koro Sensei gazed over the edge , Hinano directed a serious expression towards Maehara and Isogai . The two exchanged glances , hinting at a shared understanding or perhaps a subtle communication about the unfolding situation .

" Our high sign to the sniper is the moment Koro Sensei leans out the window to look at the boat ! "

Downstream concealed within the bushes , a sniper crouched with a Silenced Remington 700 Sniper Rifle . With precision a shot was fired , followed by a calculated reload .

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