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Somewhere in Northern Ontario...

Ryne shifted the truck into park and stared at the old farm house. Its clapboard siding was grey and weather-worn, the roof looked like it had seen better days and the porch was on the verge of collapse. Using the interior light of the vehicle, he checked the paper in his hand and then peered at the house number. No mistake. This was the place. He elbowed the man beside him.

"Come on, Bryan, Daniel—wake up. We're here." As the two men groaned and stretched, Ryne stepped out and looked around. He inhaled deeply, appreciating the smell of pine that overlaid the cool, crisp air. A faint smile creased his face as he viewed the land around him, totally ignoring the weed infested lawn, overgrown shrubbery and cracked driveway. All he saw was the wooded land around him. Yep, this was going to be his territory.


Far away, in a richly furnished room somewhere on the outskirts of Chicago, an elderly man was admiring his new acquisition. Standing in front of the fireplace he stared at the large picture of a magnificent black wolf that his man had just hung on the wall above the mantel. The corner of his mouth curled upward and he nodded in satisfaction. His years of searching had finally paid off. This was exactly what he'd been searching for.


Are you interested in Ryne's story?  Read The Keeping, currently available free at most ebook retailers

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