Beyond Goodbye

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Though death may part us for a time

And I must leave you behind

Take comfort, my love, for our bond is sublime

In spirit, I'll ease your mind

Dry your tears when grief drops its veil

Sadness lurks where faithfulness fails

But our devotion will forever prevail

For this love, the grave cannot curtail

When loneliness comes to fill the space

Where once we walked in love's embrace

Listen for the whisper of my voice's trace

Feel the breeze kiss your face

The sun may set, but soon will rise

As darkness falls, stars light the skies

As long as you live, our passion never dies

Have hope, my darling, don't you cry

And when your final moment draws near

When your time comes and death is here

Across the void, I will appear

To guide you on, have no fear

A Mind in StanzasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang