" It's not going to happen again
Mr.Dixit, don't worry about it I'll take care of it and won't give you the chance of complaining ", she said in a low and sweet voice.

"I hope you don't Ms. Sarah, see you tomorrow, be on time sharp at 10am"

She nodded and she smiled, I smiled and then we 3 headed to the exit of the building , while moving towards our car Shaunak and Khushi were discussing and blabbering about the deal and what to do further whereas I was thinking about Sarah.

I removed my keys from the pocket of my pants and the unlocked my car. I don't like taking driver everywhere no and then so I always mostly take the car by myself. I sat on the drivers seat and both of my workers sat on the back seat. The passenger seat was empty. Why? Because I don't feel like anyone to sit there other than my loved ones.

I was driving the car and Shaunak and Khushi were doing some work on Shaunak's ipad. They must be looking for the next lined up meetings I guess..

"Sir", Khushi said looking at me from the rearview mirror. But I never looked anyone from the rearview mirror. I just use the mirror for checking the cars behind me not the person sitting in the backseat.

" Yes? ", I simply answered khushi keeping my eyes on road.

" You have an important meeting with Mr. Jadhav", see I thought about the same thing seconds ago.

"What time?", I asked keeping my voice firm.

"11.00am today", she said looking in her ipad cross checking if the time and day was correct.
She knew that I need things to be very perfect. So, she does all the work perfectly. Even if Shaunak is my assistant, Khushi works more than him and sometimes also takes the place of Shaunak if he's busy somewhere with something.


I parked my car in the garage and started walking towards the entrance of my house.
I rang the door bell when Anushka opened the door.
She smiled looking at me and I gave her a tired smile. She took my bag from my hand and asked me how my day was. I really don't feel like sharing anything to her because I personally don't like her much but I have to act good with her because she is my fathers childhood friends (bestfriend) daughter, indirectly I've made her my sister.
When I started my business in U.S.A my family was worried about me of how will I manage to be alone there and who will look after me so taking up the chance Anushka's father talked with my father and decided to send her with me in U. S. A

"You look tired wait let me help you remove your coat", she said moving towards me and placing her hands on my shoulder but I shifted her hand aside. She tries to get close to me but I always keep myself away from her.

" No need I can do that myself ", she looked at me when I was removing my coat and loosening my tie by pulling it down.

" What ? Why are you looking at me? Don't you have any other work to do? See , i am just tired and need rest alright give me my space and let me sleep", I said making my way towards my room which was on the 1st floor

"You don't wanna have food? Dinner? With me?", she shouted from the dining.

" I said no", I went in my room. Closing the door. After facing all headache in office I think I'll get peace here at my house but no! This stupid won't let me.

I removed my clothes and went in bathroom and took a long peaceful shower. After that I sat on my bed and closed my eyes and I began to see Sarah's face. So I unlocked my phone and called Shaunak.

"Hello, sir"

"Do you have an account on social media?"

"Yes sir"

"Alright great so one thing, search for Sarah Agarwal the one which we had a deal today and sent me the photos by screenshotting it", Shaunak was shock I cannot see him but I know because of the silence which was there on call between us for a minute

"Sir can I please ask why do you need it?"

"Why do you wanna know? Just do the work given by your boss understand?"

"But sir this isn't right that is the reason I am asking you why do you need it?"

"Don't you think Shaunak we should know our dealers I don't know her much so I thought about taking help of social media"

"But sir you never knew much about your dealers but you still didn't ask me ever to look for them on social media"

"You wanna get fired or wanna do the work?"

As soon as I said this Shaunak immediately agreed with my words and declined the call yo complete my given duty to him

After a very few minutes Shaunak called me and I picked it up really quick like an idiot

"Yes", I said with excitement and curiousity

" Sorry sir but Ms. Sarah Agarwal is not there on any social media platform"

Oh gosh!

"Alright Shaunak good night"

"Good night sir"

Am I really being stupid? It must just be an attraction which will be gone in days

After looking at the time on my phone
11:47 pm I decided to go to sleep

So guys what do you think ? Is it just an attraction or more than that follow me to know further

Well let him sleep now he also has to meet Sarah tomorrow in the name of meeting

ont forget to vote!

Seductively Just Yours! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora