Interesting Internship

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Danny got in Jazz's car excited and chipper. Jasmine just seemed relieved Danny had been accepted. It was definitely better than his current academic lifestyle.

"I'll pick you up when you call me okay?" She said as they pulled up to the place.

The entire ride Danny had been immersed in the world outside the car. Gotham was so different. It was like the moment they came into Gotham everywhere was shrouded in thick dark clouds.

Danny's head jerked around as the car stopped and his excitement turned into skepticism.

Jazz in all her infinite exhaustion seemed happy to leave him at the sketchy warehouse.

"Kay, goodbye" she said as she practically shoved him out of the car, tossing him his "work bag". It had a ton of scrap robotic parts on it as well as the Fenton thermos and a few other Fenton themed inventions.

"Jazz, are you sure this is the right place" he asked turning back to the car only to find it peeling away from the curb.

"Uh, I guess I'll find out"

As soon as he gets into the warehouse a bad feeling starts to form in his gut. He can't even force his foot over the threshold to walk inside.

There was no way this was the right place.

Someone spotted him and quickly rushed over.

"Your Danny right? The one who can crack a safe in under a minute?"

Now Danny felt nauseous. He had been tired and just felt like messing around when he posted an online video of that specific talent, but how did they know about it.

"Yeah, I'm here for the internship?"

The guy seemed nervous for some reason.

A loud thud sound echoed through the warehouse from the opposite end Danny was at.

Someone shouted what sounded like "BATS RUN!" And the guy bolted into action he thrusted a small metal briefcase looking thing into Danny's hand.

"Take this somewhere and hide. Now go!" The guy pushed Danny and Danny ran.

He wasn't sure why he was running or who the "bats" were but he really, REALLY didn't want to die today.

A few hours earlier-

Bruce sat before the bat computer studying the picture before him.

"Your sure this is what their in possession of?" He asked Babs.

"Yes, they haven't been able to open it as far as I can tell. If you go now you should be able to intercept them"

Bruce made a sound under his cowl.

"Send these coordinates to Nightwing and Red Robin. And tell Alfred to keep Damien home. He's not going to this one, he has school tomorrow"

Babs nodded and plugged the coordinates onto the automated system sending them to the two vigilantes electronics.

"We don't need Signal for this one?" Nightwing asked.

"He has the night off, besides that, this is a small operation. We won't need anymore help" Bruce responded promptly.

Red Robin slid Into the Batmobile with Batman and Nightwing slid onto his motorcycle.

"We need to make a sharp right up ahead. It should be on the left of the old cheesecake factory" Nightwing reported into coms over the noise of his motorcycle.

The two vehicles screeched to a halt in the back of the warehouse.

Nightwing grinned before clicking his grappling hook and flying up to the roof.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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