Chapter 12

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Anchal's Pov:

As Vihaan and I sat at the table, engrossed in our conversation, we realized we had forgotten to place our orders. I chuckled, nudging Vihaan, "Looks like we got carried away and forgot about the food."

Vihaan laughed and caught the waiter's attention, signaling for him to approach our table. When the waiter arrived, he inquired about our choices. I couldn't resist a playful comment, "Aj Italian khane ka bohot maan kar raha hai so I'll go for a Pasta cacio e uova paired with a glass of Chianti Classico 1997, thank you." I glanced at Vihaan, indicating it was his turn to order.

Vihaan hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Is it okay if I order something with meat?"

I smiled, shaking my head gently, "I'm a vegetarian, Vihaan. You go ahead, don't worry about me."

Vihaan nodded and placed his order, "Coq au Vin paired with a Pinot Noir Burgundy 2010. Thank you." The waiter nodded and left to fetch our meals.

As we waited, Vihaan mentioned calling Yash Jij to discuss the upcoming trip. I nodded in agreement, adding, "I should check with Aadhya Di too."

Vihaan dialed Yash Jij's number, and to our surprise, Aadhya Di was also with him. Vihaan wasted no time in asking about the attendees for the trip.

Yash Bhai explained, "Most of my friends are doctors and can't take such a long vacation. They'll only be able to attend the boys' trip."

Aadhya Di echoed his sentiments, "Same goes for my friends. Looks like it'll be a family affair."

We deliberated for a moment before Aadhya Di suggested, "Why don't you guys call your friends for the second half? They're practically family anyway."

Yash Jij agreed, "That sounds like a plan."

I took the opportunity to inquire, "Greece or Monaco for the family trip?"

Aadhya Di chuckled, "I'm not going to Greece again with you." swiftly rejecting the idea of Greece, recalling a past incident. Yash Jij laughed, and I defended myself, "That was just one time!"

Vihaan, sensing there was more to the story, prodded, "I feel like there's a story behind this decision."

With a slight blush, I insisted, "No, no story at all." Aadhya Di's expression seemed to confirm otherwise, but Yash Jij intervened, suggesting Monaco instead. "I'd love to take out the boat again," he grinned.

And just like that, Monaco became the chosen destination for the second half of our trip. The anticipation of exploring new places with loved ones filled me with excitement.

After our conversation wrapped up, our food arrived, and Vihaan and I continued chatting as we savored our meal. The ambiance was cozy, and the company was even better. We lingered at the table, enjoying each other's company until we had cleaned our plates.

When the check came, Vihaan insisted on paying, but I refused, insisting that we split it. He could be quite persistent, but I stood my ground, and eventually, he relented. With the bill settled, we agreed to part ways and discuss further plans later.

Back at my office, I walked into my cabin to find Jay, Kriti, and Dhruv lounging around as usual. I sighed, wondering why they always seemed to gather in my space, even in my absence.

"Yaar tum log humesha mere cabin mai kyu pade rehte ho? Even when I'm not around?" I complained as I dropped my bag on the desk.

Ignoring my question, Kriti jumped straight to asking where I had been. I rolled my eyes, replying, "Just out for lunch."

Jay chimed in, pointing out that my calendar showed no meetings scheduled. Irritated by their persistent questioning, I snapped, "It wasn't a business meeting, hence not on my calendar."

Then Dhruv, in his usual dramatic flair, asked, "So, at 12:30, Aap kiske saath lunch pe gayi thi Anchal Kapoor? Yeh sabse bada saval. Tell us, Ms. Anchal Kapoor, the nation wants to know."

I shook my head at their theatrics. "Yes, I had lunch with Vihaan," I admitted.

Kriti turned to Dhruv, remarking, "Yeh aaj kal thoda zyada Vihaan Vihaan nai kar rahi hai, huh?"

I chuckled, explaining, "Cookie, We were planning Di and Jij's bachelor/bachelorette trip. Oh, and we're also going on a family vacation to Monaco after Di's girls' trip. I'll send you guys the dates so you can free up your schedules. Especially you, Dhruv, remember how you missed Di's birthday last time?"

Their excitement at the mention of the vacation was palpable, and they all screeched with delight. It seemed like everyone was eagerly looking forward to our upcoming adventures.

"Okay, now get out of my cabin and let me work," I instructed as Jay and Kriti shuffled out, leaving just Dhruv behind. I raised an eyebrow at him, teasingly asking, "Do you need a special invitation or something?"

Dhruv flashed me his signature puppy-dog face, a sure sign that he either wanted something from me or had gotten himself into trouble and needed my help to fix it. I couldn't help but chuckle at his expression. "What's up, Dhruv?" I inquired.

He hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "So, last minute, one of my models bailed on me, and I need someone to fill in. Please, Anchal, it'll only take 30 minutes, and you won't even have to walk. The dress is tailored to your measurements, please, pretty please."

I sighed, feeling my insecurities creeping in. "You know I've stopped modeling, Dhruv. We're not in college anymore, and I can't afford to just wing it. This isn't some random project that won't see the light of day. We're talking about professional modeling here. I don't want to embarrass myself. You know I hate doing anything if I'm not confident about it," I confessed.

Dhruv persisted, "Come on, Anch, it's just a quick job. And you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

Reluctantly, I relented, "Fine, but don't make this a habit. Text me the details, or better yet, coordinate with Tarini, and she'll put it on my calendar."

Dhruv's face lit up with gratitude as he rushed out of my cabin to talk to Tarini. I couldn't help but call after him, "And don't you dare flirt with my assistant, Dhruv!"

As I sat there, reflecting on my friends' dramatic and quirky personalities, I couldn't help but smile to myself. "Teda hai par mera hai" I mused aloud.

Hey guys! I'm back with another update. Hope you are enjoying the story so far.

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ARAK xoxo

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