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As Yn fixed the books on the shelf, a gentle breeze brushed against her skin. With a tired expression and slumped shoulders, she huffed, struggling to keep the books from falling out of her arms. "What a boring day" she muttered lazily as she placed the books back in their spots.

Just as she thought she could finally go home, someone called out her name. Yn turned around, forcing a smile as she held the books tightly. "Please say I can go home now" she silently prayed, but her wish was shattered when she heard what incharge had to say. "Please go to the third floor of the library. We've decided to clean it too, as it hasn't been done in a while" Yn nodded, watching as the person left and thanking her.

Once the incharge was out of sight, Yn's smile immediately vanished. She let out a deep sigh and slammed the books onto the table, muttering in irritation. "What a stupid task this is—" Her words trailed off as she sensed someone's presence nearby. Slowly, she turned her head and locked eyes with a student who was fixing his glasses, pretending not to have heard anything.

Both of them stood in silence, and Yn couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear that he might report her to the club incharge. She glanced at the books on the table, then back at the guy, her voice filled with uncertainty. "You didn't hear anything, right?" The guy hesitantly looked at her and nodded slowly, standing up straight as she approached him with the books. Yn smiled widely and said, "Consider this your bribe to keep your mouth shut"

The guy gulped nervously as he looked at her, feeling a bit intimidated. She was his senior, and as a newly admitted student, he didn't want to make a bad impression. When she pushed the books onto his chest, he quickly grabbed them, not wanting to drop anything. As she walked away, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and gratitude. Meanwhile, she berated herself for being careless and causing the situation in the first place.

As she made her way up the stairs, she could feel the exhaustion taking its toll on her. The library seemed to stretch on forever, and she still had to reach the top floor. With a heavy sigh, she decided to take a moment to rest, laying down on the steps and huffing in frustration. "This is torture" she muttered, gulping hard as she tried to catch her breath.

After a short break, she gathered her strength and pushed herself up, using the wall for support. She continued her ascent, step by step. Finally, she arrived on the floor of the library, panting heavily and placing her palms on her knees for support. She took a moment to survey her surroundings, her lips slightly parted in awe.

The interior of the library section had an old, almost royal charm to it, but it was clear that it hadn't been well maintained. The lighting was dim, casting a mysterious ambiance throughout the space. "Wow, it's quite royal, but also incredibly dusty" she whispered to herself, taking cautious steps forward. She noticed books scattered on the floor and a few left neglected on the table.

She first focused on the books strewn across the floor. Bending down, she carefully picked them up one by one and placed them back on the table. The sound of pages rustling and the musty smell of old books filled the air as she worked diligently to restore order to the neglected area.

As she found herself in the dimly lit section of the library, she took out her mobile and used the flashlight to help her see. Carefully, she placed the scattered books back onto the shelves, one by one. Finally, she reached the corner of the shelf and put the last book in its place, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. However, her attention was soon drawn to another shelf against the wall.

Frowning, she directed the flashlight towards the shelf. It appeared to be just like any other ordinary shelf, except for one thing, there was only a single book on it. Her curiosity piqued, she slowly approached the shelf, her footsteps echoing in the quiet library. With caution, she picked up the book, its dusty cover made it difficult to read the title. Placing it on the table, she wiped away the dust and revealed the name "Curse" Scowling at the ominous title on the black cover, her curiosity grew even stronger.

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