Ch 24: The Church Attacks

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After I protected everyone from a sudden attack, we heard someone clapping.

We all looked at the source of the clapping and saw the pope of the three heroes church along with many priests and knights. 

Pope: That was truly a remarkable shield devil. You just took judgment head-on, an exceedingly powerful ritual, and yet you're still standing

Naofumi: Hold on, you're from the guy in the capital!

Pope: Oh? So you remember who I am... then surely you remember all your sins as well?

Naofumi: My sins?

Pope: God has bestowed holy water upon you, yet you show him no gratitude for that righteous gift... you also deceive the people to turn them against their own country, for that you must be punished. I shall purify you in the name of God! Your transgressions will plague the world no longer!

Myne: *angry* How dare you, Pope Balmus!! Do you realize what you just done?!! You nearly killed the next queen with that attack and the spear hero!!

Balmus: The spear hero and his party, including the princess, were murdered by the shield devil. At least that is the story the world's will be told... As far as God is concerned, you're already dead

Motoyasu: Myne, can you explain the hell he's talking about?

Balmus: and for the lives of those who have been marked for death do finally come to an end. That means all is right in the

Before pope Balmus could continue, Ratha spat a fireball that him.

Balmus created a barrier to protect himself from the fire.

Raphtalia: This man is insane!

Ryuji: he's completely nuts

Melty: it reminds me of someone

Melty eyes her sister, which made Ryuji almost crack a smile.

Balmus: If you're worried about who will lead the kingdom, don't worry. We have a plan for a new government to take the royal family's place

Myne: Don't be ridiculous!! This country has always been ruled by royalty!! Our family is the only ones fit to--

Balmus: Abuse your power and disrespect the church? Look down onto the apostles of God himself? Not anymore. This country has no need for its blasphemy. Royalty is but a pestilence. The same goes for your heroes. We worship those who save its people from the waves, but this bunch has done more harm than good

The pope began listing the things the others did that we had to clean up.

Balmus: Heroes that bring such devastation to the country and damage the people's beliefs are truly nothing more than imposters

Motoyasu started struggling to make an excuse for himself and the others.

Ryuji got up and stepped forward.

Ryuji: Can I ask something?

Balmus: Hmm?

Ryuji: I get that you guys call Naofumi the "shield devil" because you guys hate him, but what's the reason for calling me calamity bringer? I've been asking that for a while, but no one answered 

Balmus: I see. I suppose it's only fair that you get an explanation before you get purged. Much like how the waves of calamity bring monsters from another world to harm the people, you have the power to do the same. Taking the beliefs of the people away from the church is a great sin that we can't ignore

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