
"So guys, where do you all want to go for Christmas outing this year?" Meerab asked the kids, their eyes darting between each other in contemplation. Before they could respond, Meerab offered a few suggestions, the anticipation hanging in the air. Suddenly, Murtasim popped up and stood beside Meerab, a cheeky grin playing on his face.

"No need to decide, I've already booked us all tickets to Winter Wonderland and everything is on me, including food, rides and anything you guy kids want to do there." Murtasim declared with a flourish. The kids erupted into cheers, their excitement echoing in the room. Meerab looked at him, a mixture of surprise and confusion on her face.

As the question hung in the air, Meerab's curiosity fueled her determination to seek answers. "Where did you get the money for that? From what I remember, you said—" she began, only to be met with Murtasim's swift and unexpected move. With a playful yet assertive touch, he gently covered her mouth and walked Meerab away from the gathering, his steps purposeful and unhurried. The subtle touch of his hand on hers conveyed a sense of secrecy, as they slipped away from the curious glances of the children and the caretakers. 

"What?" Meerab snapped as Murtasim whispered, "There's no need to go around announcing my financial condition like this, Meerab." She crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation.

"Mr. Khan, get over the drama and tell me where you got the tickets for everyone when you can't even afford renting a flat in London?" Meerab inquired skeptically.

Murtasim sighed, "Well, it gives me slight embarrassment to tell you this, but IaskedAnwarChachatolendmesomemoneybeforeheleft," he admitted in a muffled voice.

"What?" Meerab questioned, struggling to comprehend.

"I asked Anwar Chacha to lend me some money. Are you happy now?" Murtasim clarified.

"Why are you spending it here? I can manage this on my own, and—" Meerab started to argue, but Murtasim cut her off.

"No, I wanted to make these kids happy. Look at them, their smiling faces. You said it yourself, their smiles makes you happy. So yeah, that's why I'm doing this," Murtasim explained, a sincerity in his voice.

Meerab parted her lips, ready to voice her protests, but before she could utter a word, Murtasim delicately placed a finger on her lips, silencing her. "Shhh, khamosh," he whispered with a smile, leaning in ever so slightly. His eyes held a warmth that transcended the playful banter, inviting a moment of shared understanding.

"No 'buts' or 'ifs.' It's decided. We're going to Winter Wonderland this weekend," he declared, his words laced with determination and a touch of mischief. The subtle intimacy of the moment lingered in the air, leaving Meerab with a cascade of emotions, a surprising mix of astonishment and an undeniable flutter of surprise at Murtasim's unexpected yet endearing gestures.


As Saturday arrived, anticipation hung in the chilly air as Meerab, Murtasim, and the excited kids made their way to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. The moment they stepped through the entrance, a magical atmosphere enveloped them. Glittering lights adorned every corner, casting a soft glow on the vibrant festivities.

The aroma of sweet treats and savory delights wafted through the air, tempting taste buds with the promise of indulgence. Stalls adorned with cotton candy, roasted nuts, and hot chocolate created a delightful medley of scents that heightened the festive spirit.

The sound of cheerful laughter and the melodies of joyful carols filled the air, creating a symphony of happiness. Children's laughter echoed as they spun on the carousel or zoomed down the glittering ice slide. The cheers of delight from the kids merged with the distant melodies of a festive band, creating a lively and spirited atmosphere.

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