Chapter 1

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Lightkit was curled up in the nursery. She was beside her sister Shadowkit. Lightkit rolled onto her back and stretched.
She was clinging onto a dream where she was clan leader. Lightkit prodded her sister Shadowkit.
“Go away.” Shadowkit grumbled. Her littermate curled up tighter.
“Come on, it's almost sunhigh.” Lightkit pleaded. Shadowkit grunted and opened one eye. “Ok fine...” She sighed.
“Yay! Come on, let's go play outside!” Lightkit exclaimed.
She and Shadowkit tumbled out of the nursery and ran over to the small mossy dip in the ground where they liked to play. Shadowkit turned to her, her amber eyes losing their annoyed shean. “What game should we play?” She asked.
“I don't know. what do you want to play?” Lightkit asked. Shadowkit’s eyes suddenly lit up with mischief. She crouched to the ground and pounced on her. Lightkit batted at her sister. “Hey!” She squeaked.
Lightkit purred with amusement. She should have figured Shadowkit would want to have a play-fight.
Lightkit jumped on Shadowkit’s back and mock growled. Shadowkit rolled onto her back and shook Lightkit off. Lightkit sprung up and tackled Shadowkit to the ground. She only held her down for a moment before her larger littermate pushed her off. Shadowkit shook out her soft black and white fur.
“I'm going to go find mom.” Lightkit announced. She turned and started to walk away when Shadowkit ran after her. The taller she-kit easily caught up with her.
The two of them padded into the clearing of the FernClan camp. The camp was surrounded by birch trees, a small stream crossed through the middle of it, the warriors den was located underneath a large trees roots dug out and threaded with brambles, Featherstars den was woven within the branches of one of the birch trees, the apprentices den was made from an old fallen down log, the fresh kill pile was near the middle of the camp beside the stream.
Lightkit looked around the clearing. Her mother Honeyfeather was talking to her father Salttail. Lightkit and Shadowkit ran over to them.
Salttail looked up as they approached. “Good afternoon you two.” He greeted them.
“Hi dad!” Lightkit squeaked. Shadowkit rushed over to him and nuzzled him.
Salttail purred. Honeyfeather pulled Lightkit closer and licked her ears.
Lightkit purred and climbed onto her mother's back. Salttail nuzzled her.
Shadowkit sat down beside Salttail and tucked her paws under her chest. Lightkit rolled onto her back and playfully kicked her paws out at Salttail. He batted back at her gently. Lightkit purred louder and latched onto his paw with her thorn like claws. Salttail shook her off and sat back down.
Honeyfeather curled her tail around both of her kits. Salttail sat on her other side and curled his tail around them. Lightkit snuggled into Honeyfeather’s fur. Her mother started grooming her fur, a soft purr rumbling in her throat.

Lightkit was tussling with Shadowkit. Her littermate had her on her back. Then Shadowkit pounced on her chest. “I killed you!” She mewed jokingly.
Lightkit shook her off. “I’ll beat you next time.” Lightkit mock growled. Shadowkit merely shrugged, her eyes gleaning with amusement.
Lightkit felt the gaze of a cat boring into her and turned.
The medicine cat, Pumpkinleg was watching them, her gaze unreadable. Lightkit caught her gaze and the black and ginger she-cat turned away.
Lightkit tipped her head in confusion. Shadowkit turned to her. “What?” She asked. Lightkit turned to her sister and shrugged. “Nothing.” She replied, stretching.
Lightkit saw Honeyfeather and Salttail talking the two turned and padded out of camp.
Lightkit turned back to Shadowkit but her sister was already padding back to the nursery.
Lightkit huffed and turned back to the clearing. She spotted Rosefur and Darkfoot sitting outside the warriors den.
Lightkit crouched down and stalked over to them. Her tail was flicking wildly. She pounced on Rosefur’s tail and the red she-cat let out an amused purr and flicked her off her tail.
“Well look who's getting into trouble.” Darkfoot joked, his tail curling in amusement.
“What? Me, in trouble? Never.” Lightkit responded jokingly.
“Mhm.” Darkfoot rolled his eyes.
Rosefur stretched. “Lightkit, do you know where Pumpkinleg is?”
“Nope. Why?” Lightkit inquired.
“Dont worry about it.” Rosefur responded with a swish of her tail.
Lightkit shrugged and scurried away, she practically ran into Featherstar.
Lightkit skidded to a halt. Featherstar let out a small chuckle. “Where you headed in such a hurry?” He asked.
“Don't know, I'm bored.” Lightkit replied simply.
“Ah, kit problems.” Featherstar nodded.
“Kit problems, you don't have responsibilities so if you aren't playing with someone or something you get bored easily.” He explained.
“Not Shadowkit, she likes paying attention.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“Hey, Featherstar?” Lightkit asked suddenly.
“Hm?” Featherstar tipped his head to one side.
“You seem to like kits, you play with me and Shadowkit quite often. So why don't you have your own kits?” She asked.
Featherstar looked thoughtful for a moment before he responded. “Well, I'm sure you've noticed I don't have a mate-”
“But if your mate was a tom then you couldn't have biological kits.” Lightkit blurted tactlessly.
“Oh, well I'm not sure I'm interested in toms.” It took him an uncharacteristically long time to respond that made Lightkit suspicious.
“And not just that, thankfully there haven't been any abandoned kits it's not like I could adopt one.”
“Are you interested in any of the cats in the clan?” Lightkit pressed on.
“No, not now.” Lightkit believed him. She started walking away when she looked back at Featherstar who had started towards the medicine den.
He's... weird. But cool.

Lightkit woke up in the middle of the night to Shadowkit fighting in her sleep. The black and white she-kit was kicking her paws in the air and turning. Lightkit prodded her but she didn't wake up.

Whisps Of An Echo: Warrior Cats OC Story Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang