The Farewell

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Surprisingly, this time I woke up before the alarm even went off. Maybe it was because I was so excited and didn't want the day before's occurance of catching me lacking again. Finally, it was three o'clock and my parents woke up too. They were surprised to see me already dressed and ready for the day.

"Hey, little man, when did you wake up?" Dad asked, a smile on his face. I proudly replied with a smile of my own.

After my parents got ready, my mom suggested that I wear a light jacket over my clothes since it was a bit chilly outside at this time. So, at twenty past three, we set off, the darkness still surrounding us. The Fujimoto family arrived just five minutes later. With an hour to spare, we began our journey towards the lake.

The stroll from our traditional Ryokan to Lake Kawaguchiko was a peaceful adventure brimming with excitement and the calmness of the early morning. Starting our journey in the darkness, the dim glow of streetlights guided our way, casting elongated shadows on the empty streets. The fresh air was revitalizing, hinting at the promising day ahead.

After a leisurely fifty-minute walk, we arrived at the edge of Lake Kawaguchiko, still shrouded in darkness. Despite the lack of daylight, the tranquil beauty of the lake was undeniable. The still waters reflected the faint twinkle of stars above, creating a captivating reflection that seemed to go on forever. Standing by the lakeshore, a feeling of wonder washed over me as I gazed at the serene view in front of me. The outline of Mount Fuji stood in the distance, its grand presence hidden in darkness yet still evoking respect. The landscape around us was painted in hues of blue and gray, giving a dreamlike quality to the scenery.

Although it was too early to see many details, the shape of the lake's shore was visible against the dark sky. The gentle sound of water lapping against the shore provided a calming background to our early morning adventure, a reminder of the timeless beauty of nature.

As we waited for the first light of dawn to appear on the horizon, I felt grateful for the chance to witness such a stunning sight. In the peaceful moments before sunrise, surrounded by the natural magnificence of Lake Kawaguchiko, I was filled with a deep sense of amazement.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a sense of excitement filled the air. Slowly, the darkness of night gave way to the gentle morning glow, casting a warm light over the landscape. I noticed my dad preparing the camera to capture the breathtaking moment. The sky lit up, clouds forming gradually. Mt. Fuji was outlined in yellow.

"Finally, it's happening!" Mom exclaimed.

With the sun inching closer to the horizon, the colors intensified, painting the clouds in shades of gold and crimson. The silhouette of Mount Fuji stood proudly against the changing sky, its peaks bathed in the warm light of dawn. As the sun emerged from the horizon, its golden rays illuminated the landscape with a soft, magical light. The calm waters of Lake Kawaguchiko reflected the beauty above, creating a mesmerizing scene that doubled the magnificence of the moment. Enthralled by the unfolding beauty, we stood in silent wonder, absorbing the grandeur of the moment. It was a sight that filled our hearts with joy and gratitude, a reminder of the incredible power and beauty of nature. And as the sun climbed higher, casting its warm light over the landscape, we felt truly blessed to witness such a spectacular sunrise.

"The s-sun!"

"The s-sun!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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