Chapter 3

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Dumbledore led Harry up the stairs to his office. Harry was still in shock from receiving this unbelievable news. Dumbledore silently opened the door to his office and revealed two people standing in the middle of the room.


"Harry!" James and Lily cried.

Harry stared. He couldn't believe that his parents were actually alive. "Mum? Dad?"

Lily nodded, and Harry ran and embraced them.


"Ooof!" James exclaimed.

"I can't believe how much you've grown!" said Lily, tears on her face.

As Harry let go, tears falling, he said," How are you here? It's not possible. I saw the Priori Incantatum last year!"

"We're not sure of that ourselves." said James

"We're so sorry Harry. We should have been there for your life!" said Lily.


"It's okay, really. It wasn't your fault. And the Dursley's weren't so bad." Harry said in reply.


"Lily's sister...." James trailed off.

 I shouldn't have said anything, thought Harry.

"DUMBLEDORE!" Lily shouted.

"Oh dear," said Dumbledore as Lily and James stormed towards him.

"Dumbledore, Harry was supposed to stay with Sirius in the event that we died! He's Harry's godfather! Where is he?" shouted James.


The look on Dumbledore's face made James and Lily freeze.

"No, don't tell me Voldemort got him," Lily said, her face full of sadness.

James expression was one of grief.


"No, Sirius is alive, but he was framed for your deaths and put in Azkaban," stated Dumbledore.

"WHAT?!" shouted James and Lily in unison.

"I will kill that scoundrel Pettigrew!"

"He's on the run now though," put in Harry.

"On the run," repeated Lily.

"How did he escape? It's impossible! ," James said,"Unless..."

"He didn't," said Lily.

"He did," confirmed Dumbledore.

"That genius!" exclaimed James.


"He's still a wanted criminal though," said Dumbledore," and would have been caught by now if it weren't for Harry."

Lily and James turned to Harry.

"Harry, what happened?!" said a very worried Lily.

"Perhaps we should wait for Sirius to get here. I will send him a letter to meet me in Hogsmeade immediately", intervened Dumbledore.

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