Elise spoke softly. "I guess that explains why Kane wants me to be nice to Marla. He still feels responsible for her."

Helen snapped out of her reverie. "Yes, but he should be more concerned about you. You're his mate, after all, not Marla. Mind you, Marla's playing all her cards right. She knows exactly what buttons to push to get Kane to do what she wants. Right now, she's got Kane thinking it's his fault she's by herself. He feels guilty about being the reason Ryne left, even though the challenge was Ryne's own idea. And Marla could have gone with Ryne if she chose—I'm sure he asked her—but the idea of living on the road and trying to find a new pack, or forming one of their own, would have seemed like too much work for her. Oh, no. She wanted to stay right here in the lap of luxury, with a well-established pack and a hefty bank balance." Helen had once again picked up a head of steam while talking about Marla and resumed vigorously beating the already thoroughly whisked eggs.

"Um, Helen?" Elise decided she should try to save the eggs, surprised they hadn't already turned into meringue! "I think the eggs are ready now." She raised her eyebrows and looked meaningfully at the frothing bowl.

"Oh!" Helen stared nonplussed at the dish and gave a guilty chuckle. "Sorry, but I've never liked nor trusted that girl, and the idea that Kane is trying to make you befriend her just makes my blood boil. Why, I've a good mind to go and tell him—"

Elise laid her hand on Helen's arm. "It's okay, Helen. Kane is really stressed from all of the problems the pack seems to be having right now. If befriending Marla for a while takes one worry away from him, then I guess I can do it. I might not like it, but I'll do it."

Helen studied Elise's face for a minute, then smiled. "Elise, I know your mating was arranged but...are you falling for our Alpha?"

Shrugging, Elise turned and busied herself buttering the toast. "I honestly don't know. Before I was mated to him, I had a boyfriend named Bryan. We'd been friends all our lives and I thought I was in love with him, but now...I don't know. I mean, if I really loved Bryan, how could I be drawn to Kane? I haven't known Kane for that long, but I do like him as a person. He's been very considerate, and when we're together, there's this feeling—a connection—that just seems right somehow."

Leaning against the counter, Helen spoke hesitantly. "Elise, I'm sort of used to 'mothering' everyone in the pack, so don't take this the wrong way—I'm not being nosey like my girls, inquiring into your personal life—but I can't help noticing that there's no mark on your neck. You and Kane haven't blood-bonded yet, have you?"

Flushing, Elise shook her head.

"Can I ask why? Did you refuse or are you nervous? I know the idea of someone sinking their teeth into your neck can be a bit scary, but I can tell you, amazingly enough, the bite doesn't really hurt. At that point, you've lost all rational thought anyway and the wolf takes over. You're too caught up in the moment to even know—"

Elise interrupted before Helen went into even more details. "No, I'm not scared and I didn't refuse. It's just...well...Kane hasn't suggested it, or even tried. I think he's wants to give me some time to settle and get to know him better." In actual fact, Elise wasn't sure if this was the case or not, but she preferred to think this way, since the alternative was that Kane didn't find her sufficiently attractive to want to blood-bond with her. Not that she felt ready for that yet, but still... Strange how only a few days ago, the idea of mating with Kane made her stomach clench and now she was considering the possibility of a blood-bond. Good heavens, but her brain was in a muddle lately!

"Hmm... Well, I suppose that's considerate of him, but from the sounds of it you already are bonding on some level. You simply don't have the mark to prove it. Now, you know I hold Kane in great esteem. He's a fine man and a good Alpha, but sometimes, like any male, he can be plain stupid. Like this whole thing with Marla, and not blood-bonding with you. You know, you should just tell him you want to do it—it's an incredible experience; better than any orgasm you'll ever have. And once it's done, you'll feel that connection even more strongly, and so will he."

The Mating (The original Law of the Lycans story)Where stories live. Discover now