The Little Mermaid || Ch. 2

Start from the beginning

Koyuki nervously laughed, rubbing the back of her head.

"I commissioned it myself. Of course I had hoped it would be a wedding present."

Koyuki now chuckles for real.

"Oh— don't be like that. You're not still sad because I didn't fall for the previous Prince, are you?"

"Oh Koyuki, the entire kingdom wants to see you happily settle down with the right man."

Gazing into the sea, Hakuji had a strong feeling that Koyuki was thinking of him.

"Believe, when I find him I'll know about it. Without a doubt it'll just.. bam! Hit me like poison."

The sudden thundering in the distance stole the attention of the whole crew.

Heavy rain began to pour down, and the waves immediately began to grow harsher and harsher.

"Hurricane coming!"

Hakuji had already leapt back into the sea, but the ship was now falling apart.

The sails on the boat lit up into flames as the boat rocked heavily among the large waves, barely managing to stay afloat.

As all the people sank or escaped on lifeboats, his eyes were only looking around for one person.

Dragging her back onto shore, the light of the morning sun dowsed both Hakuji and Koyuki in the bright light.

'Oh shit— what the fuck do I do??'

Having been taught nothing about what to do when someone almost drowns, Hakuji cupped her cheeks and could only hope she wakes up again.

"Koyuki- hey- Koyuki- wake up."

"Oh no! He's saved a human- he must be going insane—"

"Shut up Sebastian, not the time."

With a few watery coughs, Koyuki's hand slowly moves to touch the hand on her face.

Her eyes slowly blinked open, looking at the person in front of her.

"... Ha—"

The footprints on the sand started both of them, Hakuji immediately tugged his hand back reluctantly, and leaped back into the sea, leaving Koyuki confused and dazed.


"Ms. Koyuki!! It must be such luck that you were washed up on shore oh my lord. Are you alright? No injuries?"

"That— Hakuji-"

"You must be so confused, c'mon now, we'll have to take you up to the castle to see if you're okay."

"There was someone—"

"There was nobody, you must be hallucinating now! C'mon, C'mon, let's get you back to the castle.."

Watching her get dragged off from behind the rocks, his gaze continued to stare at the same place where she was last seen, grinning unconsciously.

Navigating through the kelp and coral, his fists clenched. That annoying-

"I can't believe you've done that! You've saved a human! A human!"

"I know who I saved alright! Shut your crabby mouth and give me a moment of peace for god's sake.."

"King Triton- oh what would your majesty think if he knew about this?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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