He hesitated, glancing at the girl who was happily stuffing her newly-acquired silver leaf into a cloth bag and humming to herself. She looked up and was surprised to see him still standing there.

"Can I help you with anything else, sir?"

Farris thought about it for a moment and decided to take the plunge. He needed to complete his mission before his borrowed time ran out.

"I was just wondering if you knew anyone here who... provided special services?" Farris winced, hating how ambiguous he sounded, but having difficulty saying it outright.

The girl narrowed her round blue eyes at him and pursed her lips.

"Just what kind of service are you looking for?" Farris had a feeling something was wrong with the way the girl was now glaring at him. He rushed to explain, fearing he was found out already.

"I picked up a small device with a complex lock on it and need someone to open it so I can sell it for some money." That sounded right enough.

"Oh," The girl's features immediately softened, though still regarding him with no small amount of wariness. "I can point you to the best one in town but I can't promise you he will tend to you."

"That's alright, I'll take my chances!"

She was silent for a moment, making Farris antsy, before he came to a sudden realisation and dug into his sack for another silver leaf. He placed it on the table between them and smiled, causing her to break out of her trance and quickly take the leaf. She cleared her throat and smiled back, giving him proper directions.

"He's quite a bit away from the town square as he prefers privacy. He does his business from his home and it's the one with the red roof on it. Just follow this path until you reach the main square and turn left. Keep walking until you find his roof. Good luck!"

Farris thanked her and added another silver leaf for her trouble and rushed to find this mystery man.

She looked at the silver leaves in her hands and sighed softly, genuinely wishing the young man some luck.


Farris was taking in huge mouthfuls of air by the time he saw a bright red roof peeking up at him from a few feet away. He immediately paused in his steps, straightening out his clothes and fixing his hair. He took this time to regulate his breathing before he walked up to the closed door. There were no signs painted on it, nor were there any other indication that a business was run at this establishment. Farris hesitated for a moment before lifting his hand, ready to knock on the door and try his luck.

Unexpectedly, the door flung open just when his fist was about to land on the door, causing it to land on soft flesh instead.

Farris froze, looking up at a pair of unique, jade green eyes. But that's not what surprised him. He stared intently at those eyes and watched as the inner corner dipped low. He followed it to the other end and was shocked to see this corner reaching up, as though seeking the light of the sun.

Phoenix eyes.

This was the person he was looking for!

Suddenly, the eyes narrowed. Farris shivered noticing that one eye was a little paler than the other one, looking almost grey in colour. Three long slashes marred an otherwise handsome face. They were packed quite closely together and started from the top of his left forehead down to his cheek. Farris wondered if he could still see from his left eye. The man's eyes narrowed further, looking at Farris through small slits.

The man abruptly pushed off Farris's hand that was still resting on his nose. Farris couldn't help the heat that rose on his cheeks. He was formulating his apology in his mind when the man shoved Farris out of the way with his shoulder and walked past him, his black cloak swaying behind him, the ends torn and shredded at some parts, acting as a warning for Farris to stay away. Blinking in shock, Farris quickly turned around and followed the man. He was a head taller than Farris and was walking in long strides, forcing Farris to jog to keep up.

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