Chapter 1

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Farris thought his disguise was pretty good. Though he was still dressed quite lavishly underneath, he had on a large, ratty brown cloak that hid his attire. He had the hood drawn up to hide most of his face, but had Eris smear some dirt on it just in case.

At most, he looked like a weary traveller walking through the village to restock his essentials before continuing onwards to his next adventure.

I wish.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and kept walking through the crowd of people rushing to get their shopping done in the morning market. Looking back, Farris had never been to the village before. Is this what every day looked like? It was a bit noisy and people kept bumping into him, but he didn't mind it too much. He looked up at the not-so-distant castle that was looming high above the village, like some sort of barrier from the evil that lurks outside.

Farris supposes that that is indeed the case. After all, his father always said that the people are the kingdom and it exists only to protect them. Father said it was his mother's favourite phrase and it became the pillar that held up our kingdom. Farris thought it was rather silly. Of course the people make up the kingdom, wasn't that obvious?

"Excuse me, sir. You, sir in the brown cloak with the hood up!" Farris's eyes were the widest it had ever been as he turned to his left, where a young lady in the lightest pink dress he's ever seen, was waving him over. He panicked for a split second before realising nobody would recognise him here. After all, he hasn't left the comforts, (or confines if you really thought about it), of his home for many years. Farris determined that she wasn't the person he was looking for, but it wouldn't hurt to mingle. Maybe he could even get her to point him in the right direction?

"Yes, how may I help you?"

The girl looked at him in shock for a moment before bursting into giggles that reminded him of the wind chime he hung on the door to his balcony. He couldn't help but smile in return, though he knew he was being laughed at.

"You may help me by taking a look at my stall and picking something that fancies you!" She chirped, eyes still curving in residual amusement.


Farris understood and pretended to seriously look at the goods presented. To his surprise, it was a small jewellery stand. He had quite a lot in his collection already and all far more exquisitely made than what he was looking at. However, a pair of golden brown teardrop earrings caught his eye. It was by far the best made jewellery on display. She quickly caught on and worked hard to convince him, though his heart was already set on getting it.

"You have an exquisite taste, sir! They match the shade of your eyes and will compliment you perfectly! At first glance it looks brown but with the light hitting it just right, it turns into a brilliant shade of gold. Oh, it'll simply break my heart if you don't get it! I'll give you a discount, it's only 2 silver leaves!"

Two silver leaves for a pair of earrings? Farris was sure this is how much it costs to hire a room in a favourable inn.

Farris sighed and took a step back, planning to rummage through the sack slung over his shoulder when the girl quickly exclaimed, fearing a lost customer.

"One silver leaf! Good sir, I'll sell it to you for one silver leaf!"

Farris was taken aback and quickly nodded, handing over the single silver leaf. The girl smiled brightly and quickly wrapped the earrings in a cotton cloth before giving the small bundle to Farris. He happily accepted it and put it away, getting ready to continue on his journey when he realised his mistake. Maybe this is why his father forbade him from leaving their home. He was too easily distracted! But it wasn't his fault. There were too many things to see and do out here!

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