Bravery when needed

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"I.....Kookie I love you but face the world...?I found it hard enough to handle today......"
Jungkook hid his sadness at Jimin's words.
"It's ok Jimin...let's just be us for now tell me did the recording go well,when can I hear it?"
Jimin told him all about his day,then......
"It doesn't sound too bad...Suga seemed to like it...."
"Well that's high praise! Good for you...oh my phone who's that?"
He picked his phone up and stood beside Jimin,
"Hey what's up?what? When?....ok....all of I'll tell him,I wish we didn't have to explain our actions because of warped I know,I just wish we could be who we want...sure...ok then bye."
"Who was that?"
"RM have boooked us onto a tv show,basically for me to explain today and show the down side of fame,we may have to perform as well but he will let us know...god I just want a life,can't they let us be!"
Jimin frowned watching as his lover cleared up his movements showing his unease.
"I'm sorry you have to defend me Kookie....." he said quietly.
" babe....dont worry I was just having an off moment,I'd stand up for you every day...I love you."
His words struck Jimin to his core,how loved he felt but how disappointed in himself he was.
Nodding to himself he made the excuse to go to the bathroom taking his phone he text a message to RM and Suga then walked back to the sitting room where Jungkook had put the tv on for them to chill out a while before bed. Fifteen minutes later Jimins phone rang and he picked it up putting it on speaker.
"Hey Jimin,I know you two are probably all lovey dicey at the moment but I wondered can you come in tomorrow I need to re-record a bit?"
" problem,"
"I'm coming too..." Jungkook said
"Oh er Kook,I just had a call from RM he said he was gonna call you to meet up about what you should say at the tv show,the boss will be with him?"
"Damn,u really want to hear Jimis song..."
"Oh you will but maybe not tomorrow ,ten o'clock Jimin ok?"
"Thanks Suga."
Jimin had not long put his phone down when Jungkooks rang,
"Hey kook I need you to come over to mine at ten,just so we can work out what to say on the show,the boss will be there too."
"Yer ok,does it have to be ten? I was going to go with Jimin to hear him sing his new song,Suga needs him to redo a bit."
"Er does he...,sorry boss said ten,see you."
Jungkook huffed," I wanted to be with you..."
"We have the rest off our lives one day doesn't hurt..."
"It hurts me...I hate it when you're not near."
Jimin smiled," how about we get very close right now,an early night?"
"You sure you must ache from earlier,"
"Go warm the bed up,I'll turn everything off,"
Jungkook bounded upstairs ,Jimin sent a quick text,
"Thanks guys,this has to go right,"
Locking his phone he went upstairs to be jumped on by his waiting lover,soon the room was filled with panting needy breaths then silence as the pair tiredly fell asleep in each others arms.
"See you later........."
Jimin pecked Jungkook on the lips as he got out of the car Jungkook was driving.
"Yer I'm sure this won't take long I'll come back here when I'm finished eh?"
"Oh er yer"
Jungkook drove off and Jimmy quickly picked up his phone calling RM.
"You have to keep him there for as long as possible. He says he will come back here but I have to do this with suga get it right ,so use any excuse okay"
"Oh god sometimes I hate being the leader! Ok we will boss is here now so we will make up proud of you Jimin for doing this I know it must have been a hard decision."
"Well he's worth it,"
Jimin went inside and met up with suga for two hours they practised and re-practised,
"so you've got this sing it like that, and it will melt his heart. "
"I'm so nervous,"
"We will all be right with you ok?"
Suga's phone buzzed.
"Quick we need to get downstairs as if we are leaving,Jungkooks on his way,they couldn't hold him any longer !"
Both males waited in the lobby til they caught a glimpse of Jungkooks car then they casually walked out Jimin talking loudly.
"Well I thought Kookie would be done,guess I'll have to call him thanks Suga for fixing it,"
"No prob...hey Jungkook"
"Sorry babe,The boss was in a talkative mood,congratulated us by the way."
"Oh that's nice so your all done too,hey Suga wanna come to lunch with us,"
"Actually I have a better idea,text Jin to get hs barbecue going,we can call the others and buy food on the way let's celebrate the two of you!!"
So that's what they did arriving at Jins to find him in pink shorts and t shirt the others there setting up a garden table.
"Let's get this congratulation party going!" Tae yelled
The afternoon was spent happily eating and drinking,two hours later the doorbell rang and Hobi said he'd answer it.
Ten minutes later he danced out holding a large cake with the words
"Congratulations to you both from the boys"
"Wow guys that's so kind"
"How did you manage that?"
"I went online to find the fastest delivery as this party
just sort of happened and ta da!"
They were soon eating the delicious cake then all sprawled on garden furniture  relaxing.
"So are you going to come out with the relationship?" RM asked as if he knew nothing.
"No's not  fair on Jimin..." Jungkook said quietly
Suga and Rm looked at each other quietly nodding but smiling.
"Just because he's gonna marry you don't think I can't borrow my soulmate for days out," Tae said.
"Huh,don't get too touchy feely with him you weirdo,"
"Weirdo! Come here you brat!"
Jungkook and Tae ran around play fighting while the others laughed.
"You sure about tomorrow Jimin?" Hobi whispered
"Absolutely," Jimin smiled as he saw Jungkook flipping Tae onto the ground and sitting on him.
As night fell they all said their goodbyes.
"See you tomorrow at two right ?" Jin said waving them off.
Once home Jimin and Jungkook showered together,slipping on bathrobes then watching comedy shows until Jimin yawned,
"I'm tired Kookie let's go to bed I've gotta have my hair done in the morning the roots are showing."
"Ok...I'll spend time in the gym...if that's ok?"
"Of course,come on let's cuddle to sleep...."

The next day They had breakfast then Jimin took his car and went to his hairdresser.
"So what would you like today? Root touch up?"
"No....i wanna go black and styled"(Think Jimins style when doing Face album)
At twelve Jimin let himself back in the house.
"Im home Kookie!"
"Hey babe how was...holy fuck what have you done?"
Jimin worriedly touched his hair
"You don't like...?"
"Are you kidding you look so sinfully fuckable right now!!"
He claimed Jimins lips his hands holding the others ass tugging him close .
"We can't Kookie,I gotta change and look presentable but right now I'm hungry for food!"
"Aish! Ok let's feed you..."

Hours later they were all in a waiting room ready to go on.
"At least we don't have to perform.." Jungkook said leaning down to tie his shoe lace.
The others quickly looked at Jimin who was visibly nervous.
"Yer great.." he mumbled
Soon they were called in and the interview started.
Questions were asked about their exemption and how proud they must have been to be recognised then it got to Jungkook and Tae being questioned on the incident.
"Well what can I say,Tae and I were having a meal and some so called fans made derogatory remarks about a member."
"More than that they were down right rude," Tae exclaimed."
"Am I right in saying they were ' taekookers' who didn't like " Jikook"...?"
"It seems so,they just were very rude telling us to do something we weren't happy about.."
"Then they clipped together parts of the conversation to make it look like I had bullied them making out they were the victims."
"And that aired on the tv am I right?"
"Yes but it backfired on them as true disgruntled fans that were also there had filmed the whole thing so it was shown on the later news."
"Hmm,so Taekook and we have a winner.....jimin?"
Jungkook looked worriedly at his lover ready to step in but...
"Well Jikook of course......"
"You telling us something?"
Again Jungkook went to distract but Jimin spoke facing the camera.
"This...(holding his hand up) was given to me by the love  of my life,he's a lot braver than I am,he wanted to tell the world while I...I'm ashamed to say I worried about others opinions,it's hard for me to express myself so I wrote it in a song,which I'm going to perform right now..."
Jungkook stared mouth open as Jimin took a seat in the centre stage ,lights dimmed and Jimin sang his heart out.Jungkook heard every word felt every bit of love from the song and clapped the loudest when Jimin finished singing to rapturous applause.But he wasn't finished yet,taking the mic he turned to the audience,
"You like that? Thank you...that was written with only one person in mind,someone whom I've loved for many years,I hope you will not judge us harshly but welcome our right to be who we are,let me introduce my fiancé ...Jeon Jungkook...."
Loud gasps then screams then cheers and clapping as Jungkook walked dazedly to his lover. .
Hugging him tightly he whispered in his ear"you planned this? I was sure you'd be too uncomfortable to come out but this,you couldn't get somewhere more public?" He joked
"Nah....i thought this and two million viewers was more...intimate,"
Jungkook smiled happiness beaming off him,
"I'm so proud of you....this means a lot to me,"
"I know that's why I did it,I'm not going to be a coward anymore my priority is you,I love you Kookie,"
The pair kissed ignoring everyone there,finally happy in their own little world.

"Jeon Jungkook really a pink cowboy outfit?"
"Well it is vegas baby and Jin chose the colour!"
"But your black outfit looks sexy me I look..."
"Cute,sexy and's a wedding chapel baby let's do this !"
They walked in Jimin burst out laughing as he saw everyone else like him and Jungkook in cowboy outfits all various colours,yellow,green,purple,orange and red.
The shirt ceremony took place then as they walked out ,YMCA music belted out making all off them curl up in laughter.
"Oh Kookie...this was amazing good planning!"
"Well after your tv stunt I had to try really hard!!"
Jungkook had even arranged a photographer and they all struck ridiculous poses.
"Right that's it I'm going to our hotel to change,congratulations you too,don't be too noisy tonight!" Suga grumbled getting not the hired car and waiting for the others .
They all left and Jimin and Jungkook got into a pale blue Cadillac being chauffeured along the strip drinking champagne.
"Here's to us!" Jimin said
"Here's to my hubby Jeon Jimin screaming my name out loud tonight@ Jungkook chuckled,the chauffeur snorted with laughter and Jimin..
"KOOKIE!!!!" He whined.

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