Easing into normality

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Jungkook and Jimin had woken up at three in the afternoon. Although they had made up Jungkook was careful about what he did and said to Jimin not wanting to push the boundaries.
The third time he asked if it was ok to wash his clothes there Jimin stood up.
"Kookie...put them into wash let's just go for a drive I need some air!"
"I'll call a driver..."
"No ,alone you drive my car....."
"Ok but we have to wash your stuff as well and repack it,the bedding is already dry."
"If your fans could only see this side of Jeon Jungkook from sexy idol to Mr housekeeper!"he giggled
"I just like things clean....." Jungkook whined
"I'm not berating you I like this Kookie,the domestic god!"
"Ok.....well let's get sorted then..."
They both sorted the laundry putting a load on and grabbing Jimins keys headed out.
"Where to?"
"Anywhere not busy,"
Jungkook drove out of the main part of the city among quieter roads.Jimin smiled sitting back with the window slightly open.
"What you smiling at?"
"Nothing really...just the normality of doing something simple like this."
"Look there's a small cafe,put your hat and mask on let's go for a snack and coffee."
They ordered a sandwich to share and drank coffee in companionable silence.
"Just what I needed after staying inside...."
"Don't run again Jimin.....if something should be discussed let's do it." Jungkook said seriously
"Ok.......so let's talk."
"You start....."
"Hmmm,er well.....do you not miss being with a girl?"
"Nope.....I feel a better connection with you.....my turn....how do I know that you might decide to replace me as I'm all you've been with?"
"Of course not you've been my biggest crush for like....forever!!!why think that?"
"See how easy it is to become affronted? I believe you so I hope you believe me when I say I will never leave you,you are me I am you."
Jimin gave a shy smile.
"Er is it ok to call you Kookie?"
"Sure but I only allow you to it's cute coming from you....will you stop doing these manic diets?sometimes you take it too far."
"But we all do it?"
"Yes for a couple of pounds...you seem to think you need to lose treble that,there's no need.."
"But you've seen the fat comments online?!"
"If you're going to listen and believe everything that's written you'll go insane....look at the recent incident if that doesn't tell you some fans are idiots I don't know what will..."
"I guess so.....ok...why are you top?"
Jungkook spluttered on the mouthful of coffee he was drinking.
"What! Warn me at least before you go in that direction!"
"Ooops! Sorry...so?"
Jungkook leaned in," because my dear Jimin you should know I like to be in charge and your kink is you love to be submissive !"
Jimin blushed and turned away from the stare.
"Er let's go back gotta pack my bag again!" He blurted.
Jungkooks chuckle followed him out.
In the way home they picked up a takeaway eating it and then sorting out their bags.
"You've never slept at mine..." Jungkook said offhandedly.
"Maybe when we come back?"
"Great!" Jungkook smiled
They went to bed at ten thirty,Jimin decided he'd sleep naked too and it took a lot of willpower for Jungkook not to stroke that ass.
The next day they managed to get through customs without masses of fans as nobody was aware of them coming back so they made a discreet exit from the country.
By the time they arrived back at the house it was late afternoon.
"Hey guys good to see you..good flight?" Hobi welcomed them.
The rest smiled at them and Jimin awkwardly spoke.
"I'm sorry I caused an upset....you didn't need me upsetting your stay..."
"No need Jimin,it's done let's enjoy the rest of the trip eh?you two up for a meal at a local restaurant later?"
They both nodded then took their bags to their room laughing loudly when they saw what their friends had done.
Two pairs of boxing gloves lay on the bed with a note,
"You guys!!" They yelled out laughing.
They unpacked then went to sit outside until they needed to change to go out.
"I really gotta try writing tomorrow "
"Me too....whys it so hard?RM and Suga make it look easy...."
They sat looking out.
"Mmmm,ah it's nice here,I wouldn't mind painting this view....what do you think?"
When he got no reply he turned to see Jimin had fallen asleep,he stared at the sleeping male,when had he fallen so hard?Had it always been there had he been lying to himself all these years?
Jimins head was tipped back exposing his pale neck that Jungkook was dying to mark to show Jimin was off limits.
"All sorted?" A quiet voice said next to him.
"Oh Jin...I didn't hear you..."
"Yer your mind did seem elsewhere," the other smiled looking at Jimin," so?"
"I don't know when it happened Jin but I can't imagine not being with him...I'm going to tread carefully and earn his trust."
"Good man....he's waited a long time for you."
"What?you knew?"
"I'm not just the handsome silly member,I worry and care for you all so often I see things that pass you all by,be good to him Kook."
"I will...."
The relaxed silence was welcome after the last stressful days and when Jimin woke up they laughed at how cute he looked rubbing his eyes.
"Wow sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep ,maybe all that alcohol has finally left my body!!"
"I thought it would...help,all it did was make the apartment stink...but Kookie cleaned it all up!he's a good housemate."
"Hey don't give away my secrets!!"
Jin and Jimin laughed then everyone went inside to get ready.
The restaurant was secluded but amazing,all of them groaning in appreciation as they ate. While the others drank Jimin stuck to water.
Coming back from the bathroom a man bumped into him ,tall and good looking his hand rested on Jimins back as he apologised.
Jungkook saw this and even though he'd seen it was accidental he felt consumed by jealousy as he saw someone touch what was his. Jimin made his way back to the table Jungkook placed his hand on Jimins thigh making the other look at him.
"Ok Kookie?"
"Mmmm," but Jimin saw him stare elsewhere,following his gaze he saw the man who had bumped into him....if looks could kill!!
Jimin smirked then teasingly asked," you know him?"
"That guy,your staring at?"
"Me,no,I'm not...he was a bit touchy wasn't he?"
"You jealous Kookie?" Jimin giggled
Jungkooks gaze zeroed in onto Jimin's  face  and he leaned close,"damn right I am you only get to feel my hands on you!"
Jimin suddenly felt hot and needy at the others words especially as Jungkooks hand crept up to near his crotch under the table.
"But don't worry...no sex....like you wanted unless you ask for it..." Jungkook stated before palming Jimins  growing arousal then removing his hand completely.
"All ready to go ?" RM said
They all stood up Jimin pulling his t shirt loose from bbhis trousers to cover himself. He heard a low chuckle behind him but ignored it.
Soon they were back at the house ,gradually drifting off to their rooms .Jungkook had disappeared to the bathroom and when he came back  He saw Jimin outside .
"You know you can go to bed...I keep my promises."
Jimin swung round muttered' fuck it' and stepped forward to claim Jungkooks lips hungrily.
Minute moans came from him as Jungkook took over the kiss pressing Jimin closely against him.
"What do you want Jimin?"
"Take me to bed and fuck me senseless," the smaller male begged.
Jungkook dragged him inside to their room and proceeded to show just why he was a top!

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