What's mine is yours

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Jungkook felt weird stepping into Hoseok's home, it was cozy and inviting but he still felt like he was falling apart, and he was now being a burden on Hoseok when the man had been nothing but kind to him. Hoseok was also Jay.. the man Shownu was in love with. The man he had chosen over Jungkook, and even though Jungkook didn't see Hoseok as an enemy or competition, he still felt weird about it. 

“Okay, spare room is this way” Tae led him down the hallway “that door,” he pointed next to the room “is Hobi's”

“Where do you sleep?”

“At my house” he chuckled “I haven't lived with Hobs in a while” he shrugged as he opened the spare room door, the room was bigger than Jungkook expected with a queen sized bed against the wall covered in warm thick blankets and a lot of big cozy pillows “He used to joke that I like to make ‘nests’ for myself, lots of comfort and softness. But I needed it a lot when I lived here. They've all been washed though” 

He sat Jungkook's bags down and smiled softly “You're safe here, Kook, I promise you. Want help putting your clothes in the dresser?” 

“No thank you, you've done a lot for me already” 

“It's really no bother, I want to help” 

“If you're sure?”

Taehyung smiled “come on beautiful” 

Jungkook was embarrassed at the number of times Taehyung had seen him cry in one day, but it didn't stop him from crying more as they put all of his things away. Each piece of clothing or knick knack they put away had more tears rolling down his cheeks, hiccups, and sobs coming up his throat. Taehyung would periodically stop what he was doing and hold him, just to let him cry. 

They were finished when Tae asked an important question “what about your practice, Kook?”

He frowned and sat down on the softest bed he'd ever touched “I don't know” he mumbled softly “I need to let Jimin know I'm at least taking a few days off. Shownu will undoubtedly show up looking for me” he bit his lip “I don't want him to hurt Jimin either” 

“Can Jimin run it for a while?”

“He would if I asked him to, but it's my responsibility. It's mine, and I can't - I can't afford to close it and open a new one somewhere” 

“We'll help you” Tae sat beside him “you don't need to have all of the answers right now. And none of us are going anywhere. So just don't think about it for now, okay? Take your time healing” he nodded even though Tae's words didn't fully register 

“I'll call Jimin” he took Hobi's phone, well, his phone out of his pocket and called Jimin 


“Hey, it's Jungkook”

“Oh, hey! Didn't recognize the number. Everything okay?”

“It's the spare..and no.. not really. I left, I'm at Hobi's place” it was silent between them for a while, Tae reached over and placed his hand on Jungkook's knee for support 

“Kook” he sniffled, and Jungkook broke all over again. Jimin told him he was so proud of him, that he was so happy he couldn't contain it. And of course, yes, Jungkook should take time. Jimin would hold down the practice. He'd call all of Jungkook's patients and move everything around. He'd call in his friend for help, too, a physical therapist who works in a different office but was looking for a different one. Jungkook told him it was fine to hire him. He'd have a permanent spot there for helping out so much. 

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