Chapter 2

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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Fazbear Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only, Freddy Fazbear!"

"Hello, everybody!" Freddy called out to the enraptured children watching him. "Are you ready to have a good time? I know I am! 'Cause it's..."

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,
For kids, it's number one!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,
Where fantasy meets fun!

The crowd of kids exploded with cheers, screaming and clapping their hands as the lead singer of Freddy & Friends finished his opening three part harmony with Bonnie and Chica. In the back of the restaurant, behind the mob of excited children and their parents, William Afton and Henry Emily clinked their paper cups together in a toast.

"You did it, Henry!" William whooped. "The new animatronics are working perfectly!"

"We did it, William," Henry corrected him, chuckling slightly. "You were the one who suggested we swap out Fredbear and Spring Bonnie for those characters we created for our commercials. No more wearing those springlock suits for us, thank you very much."

"And thank God for that," William declared. "I felt like a dead man walking every time I was inside one of those things." The two men cringed and shared a nod, before focusing their attention back towards the stage, in time to see Freddy continue the song.

"Well, let's meet the band!" the animatronic bear declared.

My name is Freddy, I'm the singer in the band,
Got a hat and a big bow tie.
I'm a big brown bear, but don't be scared!
I'm a real fun-loving guy!

Once Freddy had finished his verse, Bonnie began to sing, and the voice that echoed from the robotic rabbit brought a smile to William's face.


Bonnie's my name, I'm hopping along,
Floppy ears and a cotton tail!
My guitar is blazing! This rabbit's hare-raising!
Just listen to me wail!

"Take it, Bonnie!" Freddy called to the band's guitarist, causing Bonnie to start strumming his guitar faster, launching into a stylish solo. Seeing this as her chance to talk to her older brother, Elizabeth pried her eyes away from the stage to look up at Michael, staring up at her in wonder.

"Mike! Bonnie sounds kind of like you!" she told him, a shocked expression on her face.

"Huh. I guess he kind of does," Mike agreed, feigning his own amazement. In truth, he had been the one to provide Bonnie's voice, having stumbled into the recording session for the animatronic while delivering his father's forgotten lunch. Heck, all the animatronics in the restaurant were voiced by people Elizabeth knew, but she did not need to know that. "So, who's your favorite member of the band, Lizzy?" he asked, attempting to change the subject.

"Freddy, of course!" she told him, as though the answer should have been obvious. "He's just like Fredbear, except he's not gold. Where is Fredbear, anyway?" she asked him, a small frown on her face. "He's missing out on all the fun!" Mike flinched. How was he supposed to tell her that Fredbear as a character had been retired without telling her he had just been a costume?

"Uh, I think father said something about him hibernating?" Elizabeth looked confused.

"But it's summer," she pointed out. "Bears only go to sleep in the winter, don't they?" Mike opened his mouth to try and come up with an answer to that question, but luckily, Freddy and his friends began to sing again, peeling her attention off of him.

All is Well in the Afton FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora