Calming Tea

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Nyima pov

"Uncle, you shouldn't be playing tea party with our prisoner!" His uncle ignored him and took a sip of my special blend. "This is the best tea I've ever tasted. You must tell me your secret." I tell him I grow the leaves myself. "But how I grow them is hard to explain." Zuko only becomes more irritated. "Zuko, some tea might help you with your stress. Nyima's tea is like nothing I've ever tasted and I've tasted most." Despite being a prisoner I have my privileges. I've been with them a long time. Zuko captured me by chance. He refused to go home empty-handed so I was back up if he couldn't find the Avatar. "I don't care about Nyima's special tea Uncle!" He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to his happy tea land.

I'm not exactly human but I'm worth something. I make the best tea in the world, one of the many reasons his uncle loves me so much. He treats me as if I'm his daughter. Zuko objects to his response to me. He won't admit it but I can tell he likes me too otherwise I would still be chained up in the basement. What makes me so valuable you may ask, I can do something no one else can. I control the hidden element.

Zuko has no proof that I know how. Every one of my kind has horns and that's part of how he found me, the other part is the birthmarks on my arms. Roots from the palms of my hands climb its way up my arms like a tree. When I was undercover I tried to hide it with makeup but it began to rain. Zuko has been studying up on me so he knew exactly what I was and what I could do. He had been tracking me on the side.

When I lied about what I was and got whipped. My back is full of painful memories. To go wasn't the only one who had me captive. They used to torture me too. Physical pain doesn't bother me so much anymore but I hate for others to see my scars. Even though they're healed I can still feel them aching. I'm thinking of which time it's time for my medicine. I wait in my chambers with my back bare. Zuko is kind enough to put ointment on my back while I do my best not to flinch.

Zuko had told me that your scars help you to remember where you came from. He was also talking about his own. I touched his face and told him the past isn't who you are. "Do you think it will ever stop hurting?" Zuko looks at me with hesitation. "No, it never stops." We finish my treatment and head back to the deck. Uncle was waiting, he wanted me to make that special tea again. I told him to close his eyes. If he knew how I made it he probably wouldn't want it anymore.

When his eyes opened I mixed my flavoring into the hot water. I stirred it and handed it to him. "Want some Zuko?" He smiles at me. "No thanks," Uncle says it looks like he's going soft. He became hard like a rock and turned his attention to the sky. There was a giant beam of light ahead. Zuko got excited thinking it was the Avatar. I wonder if the Avatar is alive like he thinks, would he know where the rest of my people are? I still haven't seen Shaizi since they captured me. I hope she's okay.

Zuko became very excited and we set course for the light. Uncle told him not to get so worked up. The last time he thought he saw something in the sky it was just the northern lights. He refused to believe he saw the same thing twice and fell for it. Zuko's men got ready on his command. I was pushed back into my room. Uncle told me it would be best for me to stay away, Zuko's orders.

Being here is so confusing. One minute I'm Zukos close friend, the next I'm just some prisoner. I'm so tired of not knowing where I stand. It's hard for me to believe he's using me for comfort when needed and then throwing me away when I can't help. Hopefully, Shaizi is having an easier time with this than I am.

It's been so long since I've seen or heard from her. She's probably all grown up now. Zuko doesn't think it's safe to have her out in the open with everyone. He says it's too risky. He thinks that if they let her out I'll just take her and fly away. It's not the worst idea. I've thought about it before but I could never bring myself to disobey him. I'm too terrified he'll give me more scars. How can someone so gentle and kind also be so ruthless? 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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