Chapter 29 (part one): Machines Dont Cry...Right?

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You sat deeply in the cockpit pit...your knees tucked and pulled close to your chest...

As of now...a total of 4 days have gone by...and for 3 of these days...pure...unfiltered...and raw coral...spilled from your cracked core, and shattered heart....

Bright and glowing red tears poured from your eyes as the final words of a friend ricochet in you mind as you held your head...

Should you be happy that William had helped you by giving you the keys to the underground...and that Raven was still alive and well?...or to be guilty and saddened at the murder of your your own hands...

But through it all...a dense...and thick mist...of pure...unfiltered Coral...flowing out of your body...not draining you...but being produced...and generated at a ludicrous rate...

9 stood beside you with 5 tabs was a live feed and schematic of your body...all systems were in the green...

The next tab...revealed the thousands of mental fluctuations you were currently undergoing...

The next two were simply for radar and radio the one knew where you were...somthing you'd like to keep for now...
And lastly...the final tab was for your it's AP...originally at 79 percent...began to rise, ever so slowly...

Because unbeknownst to...coral began to seep through the cracks and damages of your swirls of the electric mist began to affect Scuttles...

It's frame remained unchanged...and some of the more prominent damages were repaired...but the eyes of scuttles shined a crimson the thrusters that were currently pushing it...went from a steady chaotic red pulses of unfiltered power...

You, however, fave no response to this...but 9 had taken note while bringing up another holo tab...


The tab revealed coral density...which in turn would calculate into electrical power out put...

100 kilowatts...

174 kilowatts...

The scale began to expand as the graph began reading deeper...

253 kilowatts...

842 kilowatts...

The measurements quickly began to expand and dilute the graph and numbers to better represent the massive number and scale...

1.9 megawatts...

10.11 megawatts...

38.9 megawatts...

9's eyes began to smile as a crooked grin grow upon her face. The numbers had only continued to rise...

129.7 megawatts...

492 megawatts...
Your eyes...although closed...began to shine you let out another scream and cry...

Scuttles movements had only become more volient as it rushed through the snow...if any were to spot its at its current speed...all they would see would be a haze or red...dashing through snow and ice...

And 9...her smile disappeared into the final and only readable number left on the modified and diluted coral density scale could read...was not only maxed and reached...but was broken...and passed...

The final number...


A massive pulse of red energy danced around your machine as it continued making its way through the snow...but little did you know...

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