Game plan

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Its been 1 week since I've seen Tony I miss him. I want him to know so bad but he doesn't even know that I'm here . I guess I did lose the one person that believed me.....
Rebecca Collins 6/15

One day later.....

Rebecca was walking down the hallway. Ryan showed up and tried to flirt with her . Then Tony walks up and puts his arm around Rebecca acting like he was her boyfriend .

"Oh so now you guys are together !"

"Um I mean I -I .."

"Yeah we are do you have a problem with that or are you going to punch me again!"

"No I'm not I am happily with Samantha !"

"So why did you try and hit on Rebecca ?!"

"I didn't I was just talking to her!"

"Rebecca my darling was he flirting with you ."

"Yes he was should I tell Samantha ."

"Don't tell her why do you have to be like that!"

Ryan walks off  angry at the conversation. Tony turns to face Rebecca .

"Ok I miss you so much and when I saw Ryan it just got me mad so I was wondering if you really wanted to date?"

"Um ....."
Should I say yeah I should because I do like him but what if it ends badly ?

"Yeah let's give it a try!"

"Cool I did really like you though."smiles

2 hours later.....

"Ok I know this is all on your mind so we have to think who the killer could be ."

"Yes OMG let's do it I'll list people and you say yes or no."

"Um Samantha ?"




"Me ."




"Ryan's parents ."

"No there to nice."

"That's why it could be them."

"True then yes."

"Only one killed Karen out of all of them."

"I say Ryan because he wasn't at his house when you were there."

"Yeah true."

They made a plan to find out who killed Karen . They got closer to each other the more time they spent with each other. But people aren't always the same .....
Hey guys if you have any questions ask me in a private message.

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