The "Strong"point

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(A/N: Sorry, I press the unpublish button by accident. I'm pretty sure that from this point, you already know what Morgan's personal magic is.)

The day is the first off-campus class where House Adler, Orca and Lang mix together. Their aim in the class is to exterminate the rock golems in a certain numbers to make sure they didn't overpopulated the area. There are two different type of rock golems; guardian and elder. Both worth differently, so the students would surely aim for trying to be the best in this class. While in the class, Morgan and Iris encounter Rayne and Max, though a short time ended up with a certain level of friendship.

(Burnedead Residence)
(Living Room)

In the living room, sitting at the table while drinking a tea, Regro is looking into a family picture. It shows Regro when he slightly younger and his children when they still younger.

Regro: Time passes much quicker than I thought...

He remember when his adoptive children are still little. In the picture, Mash keep his usual neutral and emotionless expression while Morgan smile brightly.

Regro: *in mind* It's been two weeks since Morgan left to Easton... She aim to become a Divine Visionary so we can have a peaceful life... She's doing all this for me and Mash... I just hope she would be fine, making friends and make good relationship to others.

*door bamming*

While he trying to enjoy his tea and watch the family picture, Regro turn to the door when hearing the bamming sound.

Regro: *sigh* If Morgan isn't here, at least I hope that Art--

*door break apart*

And yet again, the door is broken again because Mash don't know to push or pull.

Regro: Aaaaahhh! Mash!!

Like usual, Mash just keep smashing the door opened without even thinking how to open the door at all.

Regro: Just why did you break the door, Mash?!

Mash: Oh, I'm sorry, Pops. I don't know how to open this door. Like I don't know of I need to pull or push.

Regro: How come you don't know?! How many years have you been living here?!

Mash: Well... Nee-chan always the one who open the door for me. She always worried that I'll break the door.

Regro: This is exactly why she was worried about you!

Mash: Now I'm worried about how Nee-chan is at school. I was hoping that if I got magic so I can go to that school.

Regro: Mash... I do hope the same thing.

Because Mash break the door, Regro have to fix it again. Mash went for jogging in the forest, remain hidden from the society. But when look back at the family picture, there are not just Morgan and Mash, there is another girl in the picture as well.

(Rocky Mountain)

Back at the rocky mountain, the students of all three Houses are still competing for beating the most golems so they can get the coins. But having finding the golems are hard because they can perfectly hidden underground or disguise like real rocks. The rock golems attack when they notice a chance attack the mage.

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