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Medusa took the girl back to the cave and raised her as her own daughter. She learned over time that this young teenager was raised as an experience. Since she was born, her parents made her endure the 14 magical jewels, far too powerful even for the gods of Olympus.

Because his jewels were made against the gods, they contain part of their power. The 14 gods of Olympus: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia and Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus.

But the one who can support them will be much more powerful than them so imagine what will make her this young girl who can support the 14 jewels. Additionally, her jewelry causes her to constantly vomit blood.

One day, she was training him to fight when, unfortunately, she met his gaze. But a miracle happens. Nothing happened. And she knew that having to bear her jewels of misfortune for years allowed her to be protected from the curses of the gods.

But to the horror of the young girl Aurora who was forced to go to the school of child gods. Yes, you are not dreaming, there is a school for the children of the gods. She must have gone through the child of one of them. But she was being harassed by 4 of them. A child of Artemis, another of Zeus, one of Athena and finally one of Poseidon.

Léon, Jules, Eléonore, Alexandre. Her worst enemies who never stopped torturing her. They know she loves Medusa and are going to use it against her.

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