Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18

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The tranquil ambiance of the band's nature-filled enjoyment shattered instantly as Nert, the vigilant sentinel with a heightened sense for trouble, disrupted their peace with his acute hearing.

"Ruby'ck, let's head over there. Nert's urgency implies something important," Zach urged.

"Agreed," she replied, and they moved swiftly towards the rest of the group. Nert rushed towards them, a troubled expression etched on his face.

As Nert reached them, abruptly halting their advance, he shared information that unsettled them.

"They're closing in," Nert disclosed with a troubled expression. He added, "While I was taking a moment to rest earlier, I heard deliberate, ponderous steps from a distance, steadily approaching us. The rhythmic sound suggests it's not a group but a colossal being, about 200 meters away. It doesn't resemble the synchronized steps of many individuals; rather, it's the methodical advance of a singular, enormous presence." 

The revelation hung in the air, casting a pall of impending danger over the once-peaceful scene.

Zach wore a slight expression of concern as he absorbed Nert's words, the weight of the impending danger evident on his features.

Ruby'ck, attuned to Zach's emotions, picked up on his discomfort as her gaze locked onto his face.

"We'll be alright, Zach," she reassured him, a warm and gentle smile playing on her lips.

Zach met Ruby'ck's gaze, and in that exchange, the burden on his face lifted as he rekindled the realization that their safety rested on his shoulders.

Approaching from a short distance, the other members observed the trio engaged in conversation, curiosity etched on their faces.

"Captain Zach! Shall we press forward or confront them now?" Kazaks inquired, his countenance stern and prepared for battle.

"Oh mighty Kazaks, we're treading into the unknown. Didn't you hear Nert? Colossal footsteps approach from a distance. Nert's our keenest tracker; we shouldn't engage without knowing our adversary. We've endured years of battle, thanks to Zach's strategic planning," Yzavynne explained, her tone a mix of caution and wisdom.

Nert interjected, proposing a distraction, but Zach swiftly dismissed the idea. "No, it's too risky. Their proximity already reveals their intelligence. The decoy footprints didn't fool them, and they've tracked us without relying on scent. They're unlike any foes we've faced," Zach asserted confidently.

Jiighual, ready for combat, questioned, "What's our move, captain?"

Leeani echoed the sentiment, "Yeah, what's the plan, captain?"

Silence enveloped the group as they awaited Zach's response. The rustling of grass and trees served as a backdrop to the myriad expressions on their faces. Kazaks and Jiighual brimming with combat readiness, Leeani and Yzavynne anxious about the unknown adversary, Nert displaying a determined resolve, and Ruby'ck concealing her worry beneath a veil of confidence.

Nert scanned each face in the gathering, gauging their reactions. "Captain, I have an idea. We won't engage head-on. We'll use the trees to our advantage. Jiighual will have to take the front with Kazaks. Leeani will then find a vantage point for your arrows. I will use my tracking skills to guide us silently. Yzavynne will have to stay close to Ruby'ck; as we need her agility. And Ruby'ck will keep an eye on our flank then--"

"No. Kazaks, Leeani, and I will remain behind," Zach asserted with unwavering determination etched on his face.

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