Chapter 18: Last Intervention

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Butter was just about done checking the room for any items his mistress might have missed packing when she stormed into the room and banged the door shut, making the kitten yelp and jump up two feet in the air.

"Mistress, you scared me. What happened? Was it that perv again?" Butter approached the witch with cautious steps. With her face twisted in anger and eyes glinting red, she reminded the kitten of the witches often depicted in human-produced scary movies.

"No, it was that jerk!" Pepper spat out. "I want to punch something... no, someone. No. I want to punch that jerk, Salvador Hart."

Oh dear. This is exactly what Butter had feared: Sal's fall from Pepper's grace.

"Why? Did he do something?"

"No, he didn't do anything except be himself. His real self. It was I who was stupid enough to fall into his trap."

Butter thought about venturing closer to his mistress but decided against it, concluding that seeing him might remind her he had pushed her towards him. Strictly speaking, that was not entirely true, but his mistress wasn't looking entirely sane just then, and thus, he couldn't predict how she would react seeing him approach.

"My lady, can you please tell me what Sal... I mean, the jerk did to upset you?"

Pepper pursed her lips, furrowed her brows, and closer her eyes.

Not good. Not good at all.

"He- I..." Pepper stuttered. "Remember I told you what he said the first time we met?"

Butter nodded. "Something about finding himself at your door?"

"Yes. I know why Sal... Salvador ended up at our door!"

Butter's tiny heart somersaulted, threatening to pop out.

"You know how the paps are always hounding him?"


"He was sick and tired of it and wanted a break. He approached me because I was the only one here who didn't have a plus one!" The witch bit her lips, "This is a private ceremony. He wasn't invited. I was his way in. I can't believe I fell for his lies. I forgot that he earned his living by pretending to be amazing and perfect. B, I am so stupid." Tears streamed down her cheeks, leaving gray tracks in their wake.

Butter's worst fear was playing out right in front of his eyes. He didn't know how to console his mistress when he was on the verge of breaking down himself. In seven hours, it would be midnight; Pepper would turn twenty-five. He had pinned all his hopes on Sal, and now he had nothing left.

As his mistress cried unabated, Butter thought of every Woodgrip witch he had served. Why had The Fates dealt them such a hard hand? Why had he not realized that he was not the savior of the Woodgrips; he was their doom.

A knock on the door dragged him out of his reprieve.

Pepper wiped her tears and cleared her throat before asking, "Who is it?"

"Pepper, please. Open the door."


Butter rushed towards the door but was caught by his collar. "No." His mistress mouthed, fixing him with a cold stare.

"What do you want, Mr. Hart?"

"Pepper, I think you misunderstood-"

"I am stupid, Mr. Hart, but I am not that stupid. I know when I have been had."

"I just need five minutes, Pepper. I promise I won't bother you again if you just let me explain-"

"You have had more than twenty-four hours to explain yourself." Pepper buried her face in her hands. "I will hand the room over to you shortly." She snapped her fingers, letting magic fix the mess she had created. "Thank you for letting us stay here."

"Pepper, five minutes is all I ask, please."

Butter's heart was full of hate for the jerk on the other side of the door, yet he couldn't ignore the sincerity in the man's pleas. He was still being held by the collar; though it didn't hurt, the position made it impossible for him to face his mistress. "My lady-"

"Sorry, Butter," Pepper said and snapped her fingers. "Quiet."

An invisible force sealed the kitten's mouth shut, leaving him feeling hurt and betrayed; struggling free from her hold, he returned to his spot on the window sill.

I will not interfere anymore, Butter decided. He had done everything he could. His intentions were pure. His heart was in the right place. Alas, it was too late for him to save his mistress and himself.

"Give me five minutes, Mr. Hart, and I will be out of your room."

...and out of your life, that's what you mean, don't you, P?

"Pepper, stop being difficult. I know I hurt you, but you don't have all the facts!"

"I think I have enough to know that I made a mistake. Please leave while I am being civil, or I will curse you."


Butter side-eyed his mistress. Her back... no, her whole body seemed to go still.

"Oh, right. I forgot that you are a witch. I am sorry. But you will have to open the door to curse me, won't you?"

What are you doing, you fool!? Don't egg her on! That was the problem with humans; they refused to believe the truth till it slapped them in their faces. Butter sensed disaster in the air. Air, which was humming with magic.

Pepper's future would be ruined if she hurt a human. A celebrity, at that. Despite having promised himself seconds ago that he wouldn't interfere, Butter closed his eyes and made a wish.

He couldn't tell if he yowled or meowed as unbearable agony rocked his body like a cannonball, but before darkness took him, he saw the door fall open and Sal...rushing inside.

Chapter word count: 960

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Chapter word count: 960

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