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Minho pov.  then l walk to my room and take a bottle of wine and start drinking it ...

Jisung pov .I wake up for school I notice Minho was still sleeping so I thanks to his and take a bath and start eating breakfast...I was thinking about my first day of school it was worse first I get bully and then my roommate is a bully ..Minho..
After eating I go to Felix dorm..and then we go to take Seungminand I N with us

Author pov.
They all come to school but it was little early so they decide to go in cafeteria and wait

Jisung pov. we all was talking and then everyone talk about their dorm partner..they all was happy to have a good dorm partner but not me after that we all Strat talking again then I realise that yesterday I got bully and I didn't go In last lecture of school

Author pov.after that they all went to their classes.

Minho pov .I wake take a hot bath get ready for school and eat breakfast then I realise that jisung went to school ..

Author pov. They all went to their classes and after 1 lecture .2 lecture start

Jisung.pov .my first lecture finish then I went to take my second lecture when I sit in the class and then class start  when teacher was explaining I was feeling that someone is staring at me when I look back I saw Niki and his group he give me a smirk.. I know that he want to beat me like yesterday so when class end I run as fast I can
and then I went to take my third lecture ...

Author pov. after 4 lecture it was break time Everyone went to cafeteria .

Minho pov .after 4 lecture me and my friends went to cafeteria as always all the girl was trying to get our attention..but the think that got my attention was a boy jisung who was sitting alone in the cafeteria he was looking so scared and he gave a bruise in his right hand ...

Jisung pov. when break time start I went to Felix,IN, seungmin they all were talking I join them we start talking, laughing but then I told my friend bye because I want to take lunch and want to complete class work of yesterday lecture when I miss it because of Niki then I leave when I was going someone behind me throw me on floor and start laughing ge was non of other than Niki he kick me and his friend was cheering him and laughing at me he say me that you are so weak and you are my next target .
After then they go and get up go to washroom and wash my face and then came to Cafeteria...

Author pov . Jisung was not feeling well he get bruise in his hand and leg and his face he was sitting alone at cafeteria and he doesn't eat anything he was just sitting and thinking that he should say his friend that Niki bully him but then he thinks if he told his friend than they may come into a problem because of him ....

Minho pov . When I notice the boy I also notice that he have bruises in his hand and face he also look scared he look like he was about to cry when I see him my blood boil..I know that someone is bullying him ..

To be continued..
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I write part 5 next week because now I am mewing 🤫🧏🤣

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 01 ⏰

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the high school love (minsung)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ