Drunk on You

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This ship has my entire heart, and I will never stop adding to it. Enjoy!!


The entire world swayed slightly as Diluc's head buzzed pleasantly as he looked down at the active patrons from the second story floor in Angel's Share. Charles was handling the bar for him, as he nervously waited for his guests to arrive. This was the first time that his three guests would be coming to see him in Mondstadt and Diluc's nerves were on fire. He knew that he didn't actually have anything to worry about, but he couldn't stop the anxious energy that kept coursing through him.

In order to help with his nerves, Diluc had poured himself a glass before climbing the stairs to wait. In hindsight, the strong whiskey might not have been his smartest choice since he very rarely drank, but it was one of his favorites and he knew it would do the trick. He glanced at the clock again; his guests should be arriving in ten minutes, and knowing who was with them, Diluc knew they would be on time.

Sure enough, after another five minutes had passed, a group of travelers clearly not from Mondstadt walked through the door. Heads turned in their direction immediately. Everyone seemed to be in shock at the interesting group, before returning to their own conversations just as suddenly.

Well, that's what almost everyone did. A couple of the more drunk patrons there decided to try and strike up a conversation with the group. The one with the darkest hair smiled politely before excusing himself to place their orders at the bar. The two others tried to follow him but were quickly cut off by the drunk customers. Something inside of Diluc burned brighter than his nerves or the alcohol in his system. He was about to stand up when Charles suddenly pointed up towards him with a wave. Diluc had barely hidden the expression on his face before all three of them glanced in his direction. Three smiles were flashed at him before their attention was stolen again.

Diluc felt something in him snap at that, but before he could make another move, the drunken customers were curious as to what had caught the attention of the two pretty things in front of them and glanced up towards him. This time, Diluc did not hide his expression, and openly glared at the drunken group.

Diluc was known to be kind, perhaps a little blunt, but nothing too bad. He always had a pleasant air about him when he worked at Angel's Share and no one ever had any major complaints as he worked, but there was another side to him. Not every customer had seen this side, but those unlucky enough to still be at Angel's Share when it was trying to close had witnessed the fury of the great Master Diluc as he once again had to throw out a very drunk bard and a certain cavalry captain, sometimes even a suspicious nun was in the mix as well.

These patrons, however, had witnessed that act several times firsthand, and always knew to quickly make their exits whenever they saw it. The look that Diluc currently had on his face through? It put any of his previous ones to shame. If anything, his look when throwing people out could be described as mild annoyance, but this face was one of rage threatening to break through. The group felt their boldness turn cold despite the alcohol coursing through them and quickly scurried off without even so much as a goodbye. They didn't know why Diluc was so pissed at them, but they refused to stick around to find out as they scampered to the back corner of the established that couldn't be seen from the upper level. The two in front of them seemed shocked at their sudden departure, but certainly didn't mind as they nudged each other and tried to keep their giggles in and breathed a sigh of relief. The darker haired man had been keeping a close eye on the event happening behind him, but never made a move to intervene. Seeming to know it was being handled without even needing to glance over his shoulder. Charles handed them their drinks shortly after that and the group then made their way to the upper level to join Diluc.

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