Week 4

22 3 0

If I have a story eliminated, it might be because I selected "not yet" on the word count, although I tried not to make this mistake.

Of course, I'm also going to admit that. in one of my stories - the only one marked mature - my explanation as to why it was marked mature was rather long, so there is that as well. And there's another story that I almost nixed from entering into ONC this year where I had to rethink things a bit and almost didn't think one of the prompts would be the main. There would be equal, but then decided because the entire plot is what I've listed as the main prompt while the others build that prompt up that is indeed my main prompt.

Oh! And one is about 200 above 2k.

It took longer to get things done as things happened in real life I'd not expect this year, so I'm also a bit on the tired side hence why I may have oops on the form, but oh well. As for my pieces.


The first chapter involved a lot of re-drafts to get right, with me going back and forth on the wording and start places, rearranging things until it flowed well. The second chapter was broken up into two chapters, and the third hasn't been written yet. There is a small headcanon in later chapters I'm not going to hold back on that I like using in my HP stories. Chapters are around 1.5k so far.

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black

I'm a little worried the story might get a bit confusing to those not used to "restarts", but the prompt pretty much calls for them, but the story--it's certainly going the way I want it to. The small headcanon I like using is already there, and might--well, I admit I go AU and work with that headcanon in the summary. And I think in my write-up of the prompt. Headcanon that aren't canon can be a bit hit or miss. Length is a potential worry on this one, but I wanted to write it and get it going.

Gemini' Summer Getaway

Originally, this was going to be a Voltron: Legendary Defender story. And then it ended up being a crossover with Pokemon Concierge and things snowballed from there. I think this is the first story I've used this many prompts on, but this is the one I mentioned that I've the main prompt with a bunch of other prompts fleshing out the plot of the main prompt out. It's a whole world of crazy and I'm not sure how well it will go through, particularly since it's another story where I used a preferred headcanon.

Cinders of Magic

I'm a little worried on going to long on this one I guess? It's going well, but the world building's been fun so far. The chapters were longer than I expected - it's a 1.5k chapter story right now. It's going well.

Scars and Ashes

I absolutely love this one, but the building up to the start of the story, where the prompt is introduced is fun, something I'd not expected to be writing when I went into this.  And the person this is a giftfic for is so far loving it.

Free Falling II - Seconds Away

Will it be able to stand on it's own? I hope so. I'm enjoying this a bit more I think than the previous one, which might have depended a little bit too much on the Horcrux canon and the readers knowing that, but then Horcrux hunts aren't easy to write I think in a way that makes it stand out from all the others.


I'd originally planned on the set up being a singular chapter. It ended up being three, but it's there.

Buried Within II - Buried Without

I'm likng the sequel. Almost wrote one more chapter before submitting that would have resulted in all my stories having 2.8k or more, but I wasn't feeling it and didn't wand to force the next chapter.

Throne of Ashes

The story is quite dark. It's properly rated as I don't describe the violence, but it still may be considered to much for the genre.

And now?

Now I can read other people's stories.

And get some of my Froday projects done, and the next chapter of another non-ONC gift fic.

And, once a few days pass I'll go ahead and start working towards the 8k mark.

No, seriously! Taking breaks is a good thing, but if you over do it, it can cause writers block.

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