4. *sighs* okay..

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           As I was getting ready for the day, at 4:35 am. I brushed my wet hair back when I heard someone knock on my door. "COME IN," I say. I looked to see who came in, there standing was Grayson Hawthorne.

           "Morning." "You're up early," He states. I shrug. "Eh, I always get up at this time, pretty normal to me." "Anyways you needed something from me?" "What did you say to my grandfather to make him disherited us." "I'm sorry, Mr Hawthorne, but all my fucking life I did not know your grandfather or gave a shit to know who he is until yesterday so I didn't do anything."  

        He glared at me. "Truth sucks sometimes. Just got to deal with it." "Look I don't know who you think you are talking about my family like that, but I will find out about you, your mother, your father, your sister, and your brother soon enough." 

        "Good luck with that," Bella says as she comes into my room and sits on my bed. "She looks easy to find information about, but even if you do find out something bout her, I'll tell you something that isn't all of her."

          I smiled at her, she smiled back. "So even if you do find dirt on her, there's always more. Except if you find out the deep one." "The deep one?" He asks. "Something you can find out about her, us." She smirks. He looks pissed and walks out of my room.

          "Thanks." "Isn't that what besties for?" I laugh. "Yeah." "Let's go to the park." She suddenly says. "Sure, I'll just brush my hair first give me a minute or two." "Sure." We walked to the park. Had the best experience of our lives like we were still kids. Piggyback rides. Swinging on swings. Climbing on top of the monkey bars.

          We were enjoying it until I got a phone call from someone. "Where are you." He says. "No, hello, how are you? okay, go straight to the point." "I'm serious, Rylee where are you." "Park, Grayson Park." "Why, though?" "In case something bad happened to you." Bella snorts. I glared at her. She stops. "Chill, I'm with Bella." "Even more reason why I don't think you're safe."

        I sigh. "Alright bye." He says. "Mhm bye." I hang up the phone. Bella then bursts out of laughter, I laughed too. About 5 minutes later, Grayson, Avery, Oren, and Alisa come to the park. Grayson looks at us who were on top of the monkey bars still, trying not to laugh. "I suggest you climb down now, Ms Estelle." I roll my eyes. Bella snorts.

       "Lemme just have a minute," I say. I looked at Bella she looks at me and we try not to laugh. Bella coughs meaning she just hid a cough. I smirk and jumped down and then she jumped down. 

         We burst out of laughter too tired to hold it in, Grayson, Avery, Alisa, and Oren just looked at us as if we were psychos.  After about 3 minutes we stopped laughing and calmed down.

    "Alright, why are you here?" I say. "Paparazzi, that's why," Alisa says. "Paparazzi?" "Yes, paparazzi." I looked so confused. "Alright, let's go into the car, "Alisa tells all of us. Oren is driving, Alisa in the front passenger seat. Avery and Grayson to the side/ middle and Bella and I were in the back. 

       We headed back which took like ten minutes and when we got back Grayson was in the house already. We headed to the front door of Hawthorne House. "We need a key," I say. "No shit Sherlock," Bella replies to me. Alisa looks at us disapprovingly. "The Hawthornes were supposed to give us a key, meaning the Hawthorne family is a pain in the as."

         "Legal term," Oren says dryly. I picked up the keys and started looking through every one of them, till I found the right one I entered it into the keyhole and it twisted open. "Welcome home, Avery and Rylee." I give a simple nod.

SHORT CHAPTER because i already posted a chapter today, sorry.

690 words


buh bye



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