-Chapter Three- The God of Loss

Start from the beginning

Y/n walked over and stood next to Varian as the machine started. Rapunzel was flipped upside down and spun around, letting out surprised shouts as the machine pulled on and investigated her hair. While Cassandra seemed worried, Y/n watched the whole scene with vague disinterest.

"Aaaand... there we are! Done!" said Varian as the machine let out a "ding".

"Alright!" said her sister, laughing nervously. "Not super fun, but it's over."

Varian let out another nervous chuckle, matching Rapunzel's. "Ha! Oh, uh, sorry... I meant done with the first test. But- yeah, uh, don't worry, only... 86 more to go!" he said cheerfully as he pushed another lever. Y/n had to stifle a giggle.

As the next test started, Y/n turned to Varian. "Hey, can this machine examine any substance?"

Varian blinked at her. "Yeah- I mean, uh, I think so? Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's- it's probably not important, but I have a streak in my hair that sort of... matches Rapunzel's?" Sweet mother of alchemy, pull yourself together. "If it helps, I could examine mine when her tests are done. If you want to cross-reference, that is."

Varian grinned at her. "Wow, that- that's actually really helpful! Yeah, if it shares the same properties, it could definitely help! Have you ever tried cutting it?"

"Uh... yeah," Y/n responded, remembering the first time she had paid attention to it- when her parents had refused to look at her because that one lock of hair reminded them too much of her missing, perfect sister. "It's grown back every time."

"Huh." Varian said, seemingly missing the shift in Y/n's voice.

The two of them looked up just in time to see a circular saw detach from the scene and fly towards them. Y/n leaned to the side just fast enough to avoid being split in two.

Varian laughed. "Rapunzel, you were right! It's absolutely unbreakable!"

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing Eugene standing with his finger pointed in the air. "But I'm betting you're not! Let her go." Really? This guy? Y/n had seen him notice the three of them at the Snuggly Duckling, but hadn't expected him to come all the way out here just to spy on them. He seemed perfect for the role- proud stature, confident attitude. He was made to be the "outlaw with a heart of gold", and Y/n felt a twinge of sadness. She'd never get the chance to have that life- no outlaw, no renegade. Just the faithful younger princess, fading into the background, coming and going without a trace. If anything, it just made Y/n like him even less.

"Eugene! Hey!" said Rapunzel nervously, as the machine turned her upright again. Next to her, Y/n could see Varian's face light up. The heck? I'm sorry, who, other than Rapunzel, would actually be excited to see this guy?

"Blondie! You're okay!" Eugene cried, relieved. His expression then turned to one of suspicion as he looked at Varian. "You want to tell me what's going on here?"

Rapunzel laughed nervously. She really can't bluff, can she? "You know what?" said Eugene. "I don't care! I'm getting you out of there."

"Hey!" Varian shouted excitedly just as Eugene walked up to the machine. "You're Flynn Rider!"

Eugene looked away and crossed his arms. "No. You don't know what you're talking about, I've never seen you before in my life. You can't prove anything!"

Varian was undeterred, however, and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm your biggest fan!" He ran over to a curtain on the wall and pulled a cord, revealing a wall covered in books, wanted posters, and random objects related to Flynn Rider. "See?"

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