Chapter 10 - Adelaide

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Kade and I walk towards our cabins.

"What was that?" Kade asks, and I could tell he was upset.

"What was what?" I asked, genuinely curious, what he was upset about now.

"You didn't tell me Lana was going to pick you."

"I didn't know she would." I suddenly felt myself getting defensive for no reason. "You didn't tell me that she was going to choose you."

"Yeah, I volunteered."

"You volunteered?" What does that even mean? This wasn't fair. He could question why I was going on the quest but it was okay for him?

"It means I won't let you go on a quest alone." He says.

I roll my eyes. "I wouldn't need you to protect me, and I would be with Lana and another person, so stop acting like you saved my life or something." I spit and leave for my cabin.

I stormed into my cabin. Kade was such a jerk sometimes, but I knew I had to make up with him before the quest, or it would be horrible and awkward. He had to stop being controlling.

I find my bag and start packing.

Nico walks out of the bathroom.

"Hey Nico. Do you feel better?"

He shakes his head and climbs back into his bed. I feel so bad that I'm just leaving him here and going on a quest.

"Nico. I'm going on a quest, okay? If you start to feel worse, tell Maddie and go to the infirmary."

He nods. "The Apollo cabin says that we should be quarantined and that the fleece isn't protecting camp anymore." I notice that his teeth are red, it makes me more concerned. What could cause red teeth?

"Yeah, that's what my quest is for. I'll miss you. Be good, okay?" I don't tell him about his teeth.

"Okay. I'll miss you too, Addy."

I hug him, and he goes back to sleep.

I meet Lana and Kaden where Thalia's tree used to be. I made sure to mentally check that I had done everything. I finished packing everything in my navy blue bag: nectar, extra clothes, ambrosia, and other things that I would need, and I said bye to my friends.

"You guys ready to go?" I say, but aim it at Lana because I don't think Kade wanted to talk to me. I see a muscle in his jaw twitch; he better hold back anything rude he wants to say. I didn't want Lana to get in the middle of our argument. I'll apologize later.

We get into Argus' car. Lana gets in first, then me and Kade go in last.

Lana attempts to make small talk, and I can't stand it, so I start a real conversation.

I lower my voice. "Who do you think stole the golden fleece?"

"I don't know," she replies, which is fair because she has only been here for a few days.

"Well, I think it's Trixie Stoll, daughter of Hermes. She was definitely behind the pranks."

"I noticed she wasn't at the campfire."

"Shhh," Kade says as he leans against the window.

Lana looks annoyed. "Is he going to be like that the whole time?"

I hope not.

I wake up and notice a hoodie on me. It was red, like Kaden's favourite colour.

I look at him; he's sitting there with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. He doesn't look as peaceful as he did in my cabin, but I'm glad he's not glaring.

Lana just sits there, playing with her bracelet.

I see the school in the distance.

Kaden wakes up.

I take his hoodie that I was using as a blanket off me and hand it to him. I manage to mumble a thanks.

"Yeah, you were shivering." He says.

I almost smile at him, but then I remember I'm mad.

Argus stops the car as we arrive at Wellington Prep and we all get out.

We all just stand there in front of the huge school. It looks ancient. I bet Annabeth would love to see its architecture. It almost looked like a castle.

"Wow, the school is really big," Lana observes.

"Yeah, let's go in."

Lana starts walking, and I follow until Kaden calls my name.

"What is it, Kaden?" I say.

"I'm sorry, Addy. I don't need to protect you. You're independent and can take care of yourself. I just wanted you to be safe."

"It's okay, Kade." I smile at him and snatch the hoodie from his hands; it's really cold.

We walk into Wellington Prep together. 

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