Chapter 1 - lana

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I brush my curly red hair with my blue plastic hairbrush. It was a gift from my half-sister Rachel. I didn't know she was my sister until a few hours ago and I didn't know I was a half-blood until a few minutes ago. I just learned that my father didn't die. He was actually living on Olympus- on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building. This was a lot to take in. I was only half human. My friend Jasper was half goat. I'll be living at some camp for the rest of summer.

"It's time to go, Lana," called my mom. 

I raced down the stairs and hugged her tight because I knew it was the last time I'd be seeing her for a while. I was going to camp half-blood. Where kids like me stay to train and defend themselves from greek monsters. 

Right before I got ready to leave, my friend Jasper explained everything to me. I had always struggled at school, and Jasper is the only reason I survived it. I'm dyslexic and I have ADHD, so whenever I try to read the letters do backflips around each other. You may think it's cool. Trust me; it's not.

I get in a black car that came from camp to pick me up. As soon as I enter, I jump. A monster with a million eyes all over his body sits in the driver's seat. "THERE'S A MONSTER IN THE CAR!" I yell. "Calm down, Lana," Jasper says. "That's just Argus, he's head of security. He'll be driving us to camp." I still watch him carefully just in case he tries anything.

I've always known greek mythology wasn't actually a myth. Even though I couldn't read it, I've always loved hearing stories about the heroic half-bloods, the monsters and the legends of the greek gods. But that didn't mean it wasn't startling to a monster in real life.

The journey to camp was long, but at least I had Jasper beside me to pass time. When we finally arrived, I saw a tree glowing radiantly with something golden beside it. I walked towards it but a large purple dragon stopped me. "Woah," I said. Jasper sighed "Don't worry. Peleus takes a while to warm up to people. Follow me." I followed Jasper through the trees. We walked for about a minute until I saw cabins. "You'll be staying in Cabin Eleven, the Hermes Cabin." Jasper motioned toward a cabin flooded with people moving in and out. "You'll be staying here until you get claimed by your father," Jasper said. "But some kids don't even get claimed." 

I was so wrapped up with the fact that I was a half-blood, I forgot to think about who my father was. Could it be Hermes? Hades? I personally didn't want it to be Hephaestus or Dionysus though, no offense to them.

Jasper showed me around and introduced me to the camp counselors at the Big House, Chiron the centaur and Mr. D. After the introductions, I set out to meet my half-sister. When I told Jasper, he advised me to eat first. He was right. We were both famished.

I followed Jasper to lunch. "Mmm," I smelled barbecue. I copied Jasper and threw an offering into the fire for my dad, whoever he was. "Where do you want to sit?" asked Jasper. My eyes searched the area. I locked eyes with a girl with red curly hair and started walking towards her. "Hey, you must be my little sis, I'm Rachel," said the girl with the red curls. "Oh, hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Lana." I said "Thanks for the gift by the way, the hairbrush," But she wasn't paying attention. Everyone was looking on top of my head. I look up and see a miniature glowing sun right above my head.

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