"Well, I don't believe you", Winnie shrugged.

"I'll tell you what's happening", the Doctor stopped the group to stare Jack down, "You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day."

A siren blared in the distance and Rose looked around in panic, "What's that?"

Jack still looked at the Doctor when he replied, "The all clear."

"I wish", the Doctor muttered and turned to keep walking again.

"Mister and Mrs Spock?", Jack called after them as they ran up a flight of stairs, the duo far ahead of Jack and Rose. Winnie rolled her eyes.

"Doctor? Fred?", Rose called as well.

"Have you got a blaster?", the Doctor asked.

"Sure", Jack ran up to them and he and Rose finally caught up when they all halted in front of a secure metal door.

"The night your space-junk landed, someone was hurt. This was where they were taken", the Doctor explained and gestured to the door.

"What happened?", Rose asked.

"Let's find out", the Doctor grinned, "Get it open."

"What's wrong with your sonic screwdriver?"

"Nothing", he shrugged as Jack blasted the door lock with his square gun, "Sonic blaster, 51st century. Weapon Factories of Villengard?"

"You've been to the factories?", Jack seemed impressed.

"Once", he winked at Winnie, "We went there when Rose slept off a hangover from a red alert she wanted to 'help'."

"Oi, I didn't know back then", Rose furrowed her brows and crossed her arms, "You went without me?"

"Well, they're gone now, destroyed", Jack frowned, "The main reactor went critical. Vaporised the lot."

"Like he said. Once", Winnie smirked, "Didn't you say there was a banana grove there now?"

The Doctor nodded and grinned, "I like bananas. Bananas are good."

"Nice blast pattern", Rose chimed in.

"Digital", Jack told her, showing off the gun.

"Squareness gun", she commented.


"I like it."

The inside of the room was a mess. There was some old fashioned electric equipment like a tape recorder, some filing cabinets and papers all around, including some childish drawings.

"What do you think?", the Doctor asked Jack.

"Something got out of here", he analysed.

"Yeah. And?"

"Something powerful. Angry", he furrowed his brows.

"Powerful and angry", the Doctor repeated. Winnie let go of his hand and crouched in front of the wall, getting a closer look at the drawings and picking up the teddy bear.

The Doctor looked at her pitifully, seeing the sadness in her void eyes. She bit her lips and then whispered, "He was just a kid."

"A child?", Jack blurted out, "I suppose this explains 'Mummy'."

"How could a child do this?", Rose asked, crouching next to Winnie and putting a comforting hand on her back.

"Do you know where you are?"

Winnie and Rose jumped up with a gasp at hearing Doctor Constantine's voice, turning to find that the Doctor had turned on the tape machine. They breathed out and glared at him. He shrugged apologetically but focused back on the machine.

Winnie Is Not OkayWhere stories live. Discover now