𝐢𝐢. 𝐟𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡

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Time had seemingly barely passed before Daisy found herself getting whisked away with some other members of the team on a plane to Jeddah. From the moment the race had wrapped up on Sunday and they'd been immediately escorted into a debrief, time had blurred and Daisy was lost to the whirlwind of preparations for the upcoming race in Jeddah. If it weren't for her team being so on top of her schedule she definitely wouldn't be aware what day of the week it was.

Boarding the plane Daisy felt a familiar knot of anxiety seep into her gut. The kind of sickening feeling that lingered in the back of her mind and never truly faded despite the distractions she usually employed to keep it at bay. She'd never been good with flying - the sensation of being thousands of feet above the ground never failed to unsettle her.

Letting her eyes flutter shut once the plane began to taxi down the runway Daisy inhaled sharply. Trying to steady her nerves as they began their ascent. Attempting to force her mind to drift to the growing anticipation for the race ahead but not even the thrill of competition was enough to overshadow the dread she experienced when airborne.

Surprisingly it was an issue that a few of the drivers suffered from. Not that they had ever disclosed that personally to her but sometimes the team would make little remarks about it. Pierre and Charles were supposedly no better on flights and had been described to her by her trainer Mila who was friendly with their trainers that they were a jittery mess even on short flights.

Considering that all drivers were essentially control freaks at their core though, Daisy figured that it technically made sense. They put their lives on the line all the time for the sake of an adrenaline rush and the fuelling desire to win but it was easier to cope with because she was in control the entire time. Every shift of gear, every flick of the steering wheel, every conscious choice she made regarding her race craft was all a decision she made. Whereas with flying it was a complete power loss and she had to put her full trust in an unknown pilot.

She grew increasingly restless as her mind was plagued by thoughts of every single thing that could go wrong. For once she would have welcomed Daniel's incessant chattering because while she wouldn't admit it to him, the distraction would likely ease her nerves. But he was flying in with Max and a few other drivers. Daisy didn't know the full list as she hadn't been invited.

Feeling a gentle nudge on her shoulder Daisy opened her eyes revealing Stella, her long time friend and now press officer observing her with a sense of amusement twinkling in her eyes. "Bit nervous?"

Managing a weak smile and nodding sheepishly Daisy admitted "yeah, you could say that," her voice barely above a whisper.

Stella chuckled softly "it's quite funny you know."

Now Daisy was capable of mustering up a bit more snark in her reply "gee thanks Elle, what a friend you are."

"I know," the ginger girl hummed cheekily "but what I mean is you literally drive cars at over 300 kilometres an hour for a living Daisy and yet you're terrified of planes and flying."

She did have a point. It was rather ironic that she spent her days hurtling around race tracks at breakneck speeds and pushing herself to her physical and mental limits in the pursuit of victory while the simple act of sitting on a plane filled her with a sense of unease like no other.

"Yeah, I guess it is a bit ridiculous," Daisy admitted, a hint of self-deprecation in her voice.

"Wanna do shots?" Stella winked at her as she produced some of the mini liquors the plane was stocked with.

Of course Stella's first thought was to drink to cope with her uneasiness but it wasn't a terrible idea. "If it wasn't a race week I definitely would Elle but I'm gonna have to pass this time."

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 ☆ 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now