Finding Skye on the Island

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                                                                         Libby's POV

We finally arrived at the island, and there was Skye tied up and gagged.

"Hello Mighty pups, coming to rescue Skye?" Harold said.

"You give back Skye!" Chase angerly shouted.

"Oh, look who else is helping me with this plan?" Harold said.

The door opened and out came none other than.

"HOLLY HUMDINGER?!" Liberty gasped.

"Yes, mighty pups, it's me, I made this plan to capture Skye." Holly said.

This made the mighty pups, especially Chase, angry.

"And Liberty, we bet you can't make yourself bigger in order to fight us." Holly smirked.

Hearing that made Liberty remember something, she remembered the time she inflated herself in order to blow up a red balloon to stop Nano's hiccups.

"Make myself bigger? Whatever you say." Liberty said.

She took a big deep breath and inflated herself, which caused Harold and Holly's jaw to drop.

The rest of the Mighty pups went to fight the robots, Chase outran some robots with his super speed and then burned them with his laser eyes. Marshall teleported himself behind a robot and then took it out with fire.

Rubble used his wrecking ball power to knock down some robots then electrocuted them. When a robot fired a gun at Rocky, he created a magnetic barrier to protect himself. Zuma shorted out more robots with his water power.

Liberty still inflated fought Harold and Holly (she swallowed all the air she sucked in), but then her stomach started to gurgle.

"Uh oh, not now." Liberty groaned.

Without warning, Liberty let out a really loud burp sending Harold and Holly flying into the water, and her belly returning to normal size.

"Woooo, excuse me." Liberty giggled.

Chase then burned the rope holding Skye with his laser eyes, I then gave Skye her crystals.

Skye flew towards the robots, and she shot a pink beam of energy from the top of her head at them dismantling them.

"Good job Mighty pups." I said

"You saved my life." Skye said.

"What a great day." Liberty added.

Chase: Goes a little something like this, come on!

All: La, la, la, la la, la! La, la, la, la, la, la! We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day, the very best day! And nothing could be better!

Skye: All the music we'll play.

All: It's always a great day.

Skye: And nothing.

All:  Could be better anytime.

Skye: We get together.

All: We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day, the very best day! And nothing could be better!

Chase: We'll sing and we'll play. We'll kick it our way! We'll hip hop

All: And pop! The music party won't stop!

Skye: Stop!

Rocky: Guys let's go have some pizza to celebrate.

Rubble: You said it.

All: We had a great day. It was a super way to spend some time together. We had a great day, the very best day! With friends, it's always better!

Chase: Goes a little something like this, come on.

All: La, la, la, la, la, la! La, la, la, la, la, la!

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