Chapther 12

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December 24th, 1981

This had been the worst year in Freja's life. She had never felt this bad. Ever. She had just gone half a school year on a new school. She had such a hard time making new friends because of her mental health. It didn't go a day without her thinking about Agnes. It felt like she had lost her other half.

Freja had tried to get in contact with Liam since that's the last person she saw Agnes with but everytime Freja tried to speak to him he just ignored her or said that he couldn't talk to her about it. That it wasn't his secret to tell.

It's Christmas today. Not even Christmas could cheer her up. She was in a very bad mood today. For Freja Christmas was a day to spend time with family and loved ones. But since the person she loved the most in the whole world had been gone for months something felt really of.

Her parents had tried to cheer her up. They had forced her to talk to a therapist for the past weeks. It had been working quiet well. It felt good talking about her feelings. It helped her deal with it.

Freja wanted a closure. She wanted to know why her best friend left without any explanation. Why would she do something like that. Freja and Agnes had always spoken to each other like they were soulmates. Why would you leave your soulmate? If there was something going on, why didn't she ask for help instead of running away like that?

Freja was laying in her bed, hugging a stuffed animal that was supposed to look like a hedgehog. Agnes loved that hedgehog. She always use to steal it from Freja whenever she was over. They had even named the hedgehog after a boy that Agnes used to be in love with.

Freja heard a knock on her bedroom door. She wasn't in the mood to talk or to celebrate Christmas. It was problay just her parents telling her that it's time to drive over to her cousins house to share gifts and eat.

"Can I come in?" A voice outside from outside said.

"Mm," Freja replied.

She was to tired to even focus on who's voice it could have been.

Her grandparents walked in. Freja could see in their eyes that they were worried for her. Her grandmother looked like she was about to cry and her grandfather just looked at his granddaughter with alot of empathy in his eyes.

"How are you feeling my love"

Frejas grandmother sat down at the edge of Freja's bed and placed her hand Frejas shoulder.

"I'm okay, I'm just missing my friend. What are you doing here?" Freja asked.

"Your mom explained to us that you weren't feeling well and obviously we couldn't celebrate Christmas withour or little baby so we thought it'd be a good idea to come over and celebrate at your house instead." Her grandfather explained.

Even though Freja felt lost without her best friend it felt so good knowing that she had a big family that loved her so so much.

"Your cousins are downstairs waiting for you to open some presents. Are you ready for that?" Frejas grandfather said.

He tried his best to stay positive and sound as happy and supportive as possible but it was really hard for him to watch his granddaughter lay in bed with that sad look on her face.

Freja thought that maybe it was a good idea to have some fun with her family. She hoped that it'd make her feel better so she nodded to her grandparents and stood up.

She began walking down the stairs with her grandparents right behind her.

Her family was waiting for her in the living room. When Freja opened the door and everyone looked at her. But it wasn't one of those creepy looks like when you get stared at while walking into the classroom if you're late. Everyone looked really happy to see her.

Frejas mom ran up to hug her and show Freja where she could sit. The whole family was sitting in a ring with a big pile of Christmas gifts in front of them.

"I guess it's my turn to be Santa and bring out the gifts after all these years of being the grinch," Freja's dad said.

Freja knew that she made a good choice when she walked down those stairs. Spending time with family was always the thing that made her feel better. They were always there for her.

"So, the first gift. Let's pick...this one! To Freja from mom"

"I hope you like it, I was taking a chance when I bought it" Freja's mom said.

"I'll problay love it mom, don't worry" Freja said.

Everyone was staring at her when she opened her gift. They were really curious to see what was in it.

Freja ripped off the red wrapping paper to reveal something that made her tear up. Freja's mom sat next to her. She put her arms around Freja and gave her a tight hug.

Freja had just received a photo album full of pictures with her and Agnes.

She didn't know how to feel about it. She started crying. But most of the tears were happy tears. Even though she thought that she'd never see her friend again, she couldn't help but smile and laugh at some pictures. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Right?

One after one everyone of Frejas cousins, grandparents and aunts had given her a hug.

This was definitely not a typical Christmas in Freja's life, but it was a Christmas that would forever change her. She had felt the power of having a good family. People who she knew that she could always count on. She felt so blessed and grateful to have these people in her life.

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