Onwards to Cambridge

Start from the beginning

Intrigued by the prospect of such a powerful and versatile firearm, Bilo decided to make the purchase. The transaction included not only the modified Vickers machine gun but also a substantial amount of ammunition. Among the ammunition were belts of both mundane rounds and Nekrid's renowned exploding rounds, showcasing the gunsmith's expertise in crafting weaponry that went beyond conventional expectations.

Armed with his new acquisition, Bilo stood ready to unleash the formidable firepower of the Vickers machine gun in their upcoming endeavors. The purple rogue was now itching for a fight but that would have to wait, as there was still more peaceful business to attend to here.

Recognizing the inadequacy of Sylvester's current wizard half-plate armor, the duo decided to seek out a more robust and stealth-friendly alternative. Their destination was the renowned armorsmith on the outskirts of Cambridge, Peridas, known for crafting exceptional protective gear.

As they made their way to Peridas' shop, their journey took an unexpected turn when they stumbled upon a slave market. Despite the prevalent disapproval of slavery in many civilized regions, the Archmage of Cambridge turned a blind eye to this practice. Bilo, intrigued by the notion, entertained the idea of purchasing a slave. However, the exorbitant prices presented at the market proved to be beyond the means of the two adventurers at the moment, prompting them to continue their quest for improved armor.

Arriving at Peridas' shop on the outskirts of Cambridge, the dwarven armorsmith, hailing from the mithril mines of Cornwall, displayed a distinct lack of enthusiasm, even toward Sylvester, who shared the same dwarven heritage. Peridas' disdain for outsiders extended to all races including other forms of dwarves, making the interaction brief and business-focused.

Despite the unfriendly reception, Peridas agreed to craft a new suit of half plate armor for Sylvester. The armor, designed to offer enhanced protection and maintain stealth, would take one week to prepare. Sylvester, committed to the upgrade, paid for the armor upfront, and the duo left the shop to explore other opportunities while they awaited the completion of the order.

With a week ahead of them, Bilo and Sylvester found themselves with time on their hands in the vibrant city of Cambridge. The bustling streets and magical atmosphere held countless possibilities, and the adventurers began to consider how best to spend their time until Sylvester's new armor was ready for collection.

Sylvester, guided by a wave of nostalgia, chose to revisit the university campus and seek out his old professor, a distinguished member of the abjuration school. The duo strolled down the bustling boulevard toward the central spires, on the way spying a large bronze statue of the Archmage eventually locating the building that housed Sylvester's former mentor. Upon entering, they found the old man in the midst of delivering a lecture on shielding and wards.

The professor, recognizing Sylvester, paused his discourse to acknowledge the decorated veteran who had once been under his tutelage. The two engaged in conversation, sharing stories of the past and discussing the intricacies of abjuration magic. The exchange was a moment of reflection for Sylvester, rekindling memories of his academic pursuits and the knowledge imparted by his esteemed professor.

Energized by his recent acquisition of the formidable Vickers gun, Bilo nudged Sylvester, prompting him to inquire about potential job opportunities. With a straightforward approach, Sylvester sighed and politely asked his old professor if there were any tasks involving monster hunting or combat-related assignments in the general vicinity.

The professor asked the duo to wait in the hallway while he saw through the end of his lecture. After finishing his ongoing class, the professor returned to Sylvester and Bilo. Recognizing the adventurers' eagerness and unique skill set, the professor engaged in further discussion with them about potential opportunities around town. As they conversed, the professor began to consider the possibility that the Archmage might have crucial tasks that required attention but were unsuitable for the university's faculty.

The professor suggested that Sylvester, as an alumnus with no formal ties to Cambridge's political situation, he could be an ideal candidate to undertake tasks for the Archmage. And the three men exited the building and made their way to the Archmage's tower.

Upon arriving at the towering structure, the trio was greeted by a flustered fairy, fluttering back and forth around a semi-circular desk. Sylvester, ready to address the situation formally, began to point towards the heavens when, to his surprise, Bilo leaned on the desk, his substantial belly spilling over the fairy's papers. In a sultry northern accent, Bilo spoke, "Oi love, we're lookin' fer da archmage, but, as it turns out, I was lookin' for you the whole time... just didn't know it yet."

The fairy secretary, visibly enraged and on the verge of striking the unsanitary tiefling down, was abruptly interrupted by Professor Nimzowitsh. Standing beside Sylvester, the professor calmly stated that he would like to arrange a meeting between the two men and the Archmage.

The fairy, clearly frustrated and annoyed, insisted that the Archmage was an extremely busy individual and that making an appointment for a meeting would take two to three months. Professor Nimzowitsh, not willing to accept such a delay, subtly inquired about the possibility of arranging a special meeting. The fairy, avoiding Bilo's lingering presence and attempts at flirtation, begrudgingly shuffled some papers and gestured towards a circular pad in the corner of the room.

With a nod from Nimzowitsh, the trio moved towards the aforementioned pad. Bilo, with a parting and provocative remark, stood up from his stooped position, leaving the fairy seething with anger. Nimzowitsh, taking charge, placed his hand on a slate affixed to the wall, and in an instant, the three of them disappeared from the chamber.

The trio found themselves in the presence of the Archmage, a reclusive elf who wasted no time getting to the point. The Archmage explained the delicate situation, stating, "Faculty members of Cambridge University are not allowed to interfere in outside politics or religion." He continued, "However, the city is expecting some worrisome visitors today."  The Archmage's expression conveyed a sense of urgency as he awaited their response.

Bilo, with his characteristic gusto, interjected, "Who needs to get shot?" The Archmage sighed, then continued to provide more details, "There exists a religious sect west of here in Wales, and a good number of them are arriving in the city shortly."  Sylvester, in his Irish brogue, asked, "Ay, are they just makin' a pilgrimage to the college town, sir?" The Archmage replied, "They may be, but what I fear is that they may be planning something else, something a little more nefarious." The Archmage's concern hung in the air as the trio absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Bilo brazenly asked, "Well... 'ow much is the pay to deal with these troublemakers, boss?" Nimzowitsh calmly butted into the conversation, "My new tiefling friend, I would like to preface this job description by saying that it may not be necessary to resort to violence at all, andI would not like either of you to interrupt their visit unless something highly suspicious occurs, do you understand?" Sylvester chuckled to himself and responded to the professor, "Begorrah, I t'ink I can keep my friend in line for you until things get a little bit north of Monaghan if you know what I mean?" Nimzowitsh continued, "and as for pay.." he nodded at the Archmage, and the elf nodded back, "I am sure a reasonable sum of your choosing can be paid upon the departure of these guests." The terms were set, and the tiefling and wizard were tasked with a mission of observation and, if necessary, subtle intervention.

The trio exited the office and once again appeared in the secretary's office. Bilo approached the fairy's desk once more and, sweat dripping from underhis arms through his stained striped tank top, he opened his smelly maw to reveal his crooked yellow teeth, saying, "Oi love, goin' ta miss ya, but... fancy lettin' a norferner have a go at the ol' gash before we 'ead out?" The fairy took up a stance to attack the obese tiefling before Sylvester and Nimzowitsh grabbed him and carted the large man out of the office entirely.

As Nimzowitsh bid his farewells to the duo and returned to the abjuration building, the two remaining companions began to walk around the center of Cambridge, looking for any sign of these Welsh cultists. The bustling streets, filled with students and scholars, seemed ordinary at first glance.  Sylvester, with his sharp eyes, scanned the crowds for any unusual behavior or symbols associated with the cultists. Meanwhile, Bilo, towering over the crowd, provided an imposing presence that inadvertently cleared a path in their wake. 

The Albionic Chronicles Part 1Where stories live. Discover now