Chapter 32

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I have never gotten into a dress so quickly in my life. 

Camilla had basically torn Celine's dress off of me, as I searched desperately in the closet for the dresses Princess Anna had left for me. I grabbed the first one I had seen that wouldn't require underskirts, as I kicked off the last layers of the previous dress. 

I grabbed a random bracelet and a necklace from the jewelry box as Camilla quickly tied up my hair. As I ran out the door I slipped on my dirty shoes, not bothering with the fact they did not match my baby blue dress at all.   

As we ran down the hall Camilla passed my earrings, which I shoved into my ears as quickly as I could. Once we reached the door Camilla pulled me in front of her, checking me over, and straightening the bow on the front of the dress. 

"How do I look?" I asked hesitantly not sure I wanted the truthful answer. 

"Tillie would kill me if she saw you dressed like this," Camilla sighed, straightening out my short sleeve. "But technically you are presentable." 

"You know I love a technicality," I clicked my tongue and shot Camilla some finger guns. She stared at me blankly and I was reminded, once again, that I was not in my world. 

Camilla clicked her tongue, and attempted to return the finger guns, though she looked very scared of what she was doing with her hands.   

"I don't know what I'm doing." She had genuine concern in her voice, and I had to hold back laughter at the desperate look in her eyes.  

"You did great," I smiled then turned and pushed open the door to the dining room. 

Everyone was already at the table and food had been served. 

I guess I missed a memo because everyone else seemed to have coordinated. The royal family all wore white outfits with added black furs, which suited the last few weeks of fall. The simple color palette highlighted their dark hair, and pale white skin, as well as working to make their unique green eyes pop. Emilee wore a yellow dress so muted it almost seemed white, and she had pulled back her blonde hair with a black ribbon. 

I was the only one wearing color. 

"Claudette Rousseau D'aureville," The King said the name like a threat. I bowed my head. 

"Your majesty." 

"Come sit." You don't have to tell me twice. The King sat at the head of the table with Princess Anna and Julian on one side, and Emilee on the other, an empty seat next to her. A servant pulled back the chair for me and pushed it in when I sat down. He walked away and two more servants came giving me food and water.   

Well, it isn't steak. I lifted my fork and poked the strange meat on my plate. Chicken maybe? And what are these balls of dough? 

I looked across the table to find Julian smiling at me. Panicked I went back to staring at the mystery meat in front of me. 

The King's fork squeaked against the plate as he cut his meat. I glanced around to see everyone else doing the same. I don't know how they could eat with all these servants watching them. 

Hesitantly I cut off a piece of the meat. Come on it can't be that bad. I put it in my mouth and ... huh it's actually really good. Very juicy...kinda salty... it's definitely not chicken though.

"How do you like my chef's duck Lady Rosseuo?" The King asked gruffly. Duck? Duck? I don't know how I feel about that.  

"Good. Good. Yeah, it's very good." I said startled. I took another bite to try and sell the point.  

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