Characters introduction

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"My Beloved Gentleman"

Name:Cadey Zain
Appearance:long and wavy black hair, soft ocean blue eyes, 170 cm, has a hourglass body
Love language:quality time
Personality:A sweet and gentle woman with a kind heart

-clumsy and forgetful

-a gentle soul

-treat her even with the most little kindness and she pays you back a hundred times

-a bright sunshine


-a little shy too

-pretty much a mess

Name:Noah Anderson
Love language:act of service + words of affirmation
Appearance:Hazel brown hair, warm amber eyes, 180cm, wide shoulder and strong
Personality:A softspoken gentleman with a great sense of responsibility

-often busy and always tired

-wish all the best, even for those that hurt him

-very protective and loving

-mature yet aloof

-take his duty seriously

Their story:

-sunrise girl x sunset boy

-softhearted meet softspoken

-a girl not knowing her worth and a boy ready to give her the world

-a boy who always take cares of his family and never himself meet a girl who take away his burden and become his 'home'

-once a heartbreak over being 'neglectful', now have someone who understand him to a level he never knew exist

-ready to do anything for her loved ones, yet believing that she doesn't deserves it, but in his eyes she's worth more than he ever deserve

-a healthy relationship (they're literally the greenest flag ever!)

-good communication

-boy with 'big' family and girl with none

-"my precious flower" -->nickname

-"He has the sweetest smile"

-->With her Noah learns to priotize himself and find his own happiness while Cadey learns that she too deserve more and have someone she trusted more than her friends.

"A boy who didn't know what it meant to live learns and a girl seeing the worst in her sees a side she didn't knew exist"

Before relationship:

Cadey:a mess, barely manage a healthy lifestyle

Noah:always overwork himself, refuse to priotize anyone over his dear siblings

After relationship:

Cadey:The happiest she's ever been, has a healthy and balanced lifestyle

Noah:remembers to rest, put her above everyone else

Them with everyone else;

Cadey:a quiet yet graceful lady

Noah:a mature gentleman

Them with each other:

Cadey:more talkactive, confident and clingy too

Noah:rather clingy and more childish

And~ most importantly:

The two of them are rather 'possesive' with one another, but not in the not healthy and obssesed kind of way, but more of a cutesy dutesy way.

Noah thought he liked sharing, until he saw her talking with another man. The man was conflicted with his own feelings XD

While Cadey hates it to see other girls clinging to him and overthink her reaction as an 'overreaction' but in reality it's completely fine. (He even thinks it's cute 🤭)

They are basically the mom and dad in the friend group-

He is the overprotective and strict dad while she is the fun and gentle mom who sometimes even save them from getting a scolding from Noah XD

This two needs to be protected to be honest. They are too kind for this world 🤧

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