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"What do you mean by there is a human girl inside the castle?"

Peter and Susan arrived home from the Shuddering Wood a few hours after dark. Once they finished dinner, the younger Pevensies immediately called them to meet in Peter's study.

Lucy repeated what she said to her brother. "There is a girl here, human, like us. I saw her appear in the cave earlier and asked her to stay with us." She was sitting on one of the armchairs in front of Peter's desk. Susan, her older sister, was seated on the other armchair, and Peter was in front of them. Edmund settled on leaning against the wall beside the window.

Peter massaged his temples, "You mean to say you let a complete stranger inside the castle, inside one of our guest rooms?"

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, I don't think she's a complete stranger. I believe she's from Earth. Like us."

"And how are you so sure about that?" Susan looked at her, arms crossed.

"You'll know it immediately when you see her." The other Pevensies turned to look at Edmund. He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards them. "She dresses like one, talks like one, and has no idea where she is."

"She could be a spy from Telmar from all we know," Peter argued.

"I don't think Telmaries just magically appear inside a cave, Pete," said Lucy. "And I saw it with my own eyes. One minute, no one was there, and then the next, there she was."

"And where were you during all this, Ed?" Susan raised an eyebrow at him. Edmund gave her an exasperated look.

"I came from the meeting with our advisors. When I came back home, Lucy already brought Olvia with her."

Peter sighed and leaned back on his chair. "At least tell me that you both are completely sure that she is, in fact, human?"


"Of course."

The two younger Pevensies replied immediately.

Peter and Susan exchanged looks and silently agreed they believed them a little. But they still had to ask their guest some questions tomorrow.

"Alright. So let's say she is human -"

"She is."

"That's what I'm saying, Lu."

"Not really," Lucy whispered, more to herself, but Peter heard it and shook his head. "Anyway, what have you told her about Narnia?"

"Lucy told her it was magic," Edmund chuckled.

Peter and Susan turned to look at the youngest Pevensie. "Lu!" Susan hissed.

Lucy raised her arms. "I didn't know what to say! I couldn't tell her about the talking animals or the prophecy."

Peter looked at her, amused. "So you told her Narnia is a magical land?"

"Well," she dragged, "not that per se. I told her that she is here because of magic."

"You told her she is here because of magic?" Susan repeated. Lucy nodded.

"She didn't believe Lu," Edmund chimed in.

Susan scoffed, "No one will actually believe in that. It sounds absurd."

"Yeah. I've thought of that. But I can't exactly tell her that she might be here because of a prophecy." Lucy shrugged. Edmund just chuckled at his sister's silliness.

"It may be absurd, but that is probably the best thing she could've said in the meantime." Peter defended her. "We'll just gently break the news to her tomorrow morning." His siblings didn't say anything else, but they all agreed with him.

Then, Edmund remembered why the two of them were out earlier. "Hey. In the Shuddering Wood, what did you see?" he asked them. Edmund and Lucy noticed how their faces dropped immediately.

"Is it that bad?" Lucy asked, worry laced in her voice.

Peter sighed and leaned against his desk to get closer to them. "It's actually worse. Trees, and most likely dryads, were dead for miles."

Lucy gasped. "How did it happen?" Edmund didn't say anything, but a frown was on his face.

"We believe someone chopped down the trees. But we are not sure who. The other dryads were too scared to come out, and there were no witnesses." said Susan.

Lucy's eyes watered. "But how could this happen?"

Peter reached out to hold the youngest Pevensie's hand. "We don't know yet, Lu. But we'll get to the bottom of things."

"Do you think it's the prophecy? The arrival of Olivia and then this in the Shuddering Wood. It can't all be a coincidence."

"We are not yet sure. But for now, we have to do with what we have. Edmund and I will meet with the council tomorrow to discuss it." Lucy simply nodded at Peter.

Silence covered the entire room. Each Pevensie lost in their thoughts. Almost a year ago, another prophecy spread throughout Narnia. That an evil force will soon come and only a Daughter of Eve could defeat it. So, with all of the seemingly unconnected events today, Lucy hoped that Olivia was really the one. Even Peter and Susan, who were doubtful at first, also hoped that this human was the prophesied Daughter of Eve. But Edmund, who also wants the best for Narnia, doesn't want to put all that weight on one person.

Then, Lucy, who has always been faithful, asked her siblings. "What about Aslan? Shouldn't we wait for him?"

They all gave her a soft look. Peter squeezed her hand. "We don't know when Aslan would return, Lu. But for now, we should do what we can. I believe that's what Aslan would also want."

Lucy slumped her shoulders. "Alright."

Seeing his siblings' faces, Peter figured they should all get some rest. "Come on. Let's all get some sleep." He held Lucy's hand, and they exited the room together. Susan followed them out, but not before calling Edmund, who was still standing there. He told her that he would follow in a few. Susan nodded and then left him inside.

After a minute of pondering, Edmund also left Peter's study.

While closing the door, he saw a shadow in the hallway opposite where his siblings went to. Curious to see who was still out at this hour, he followed it.

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