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Olivia and Lucy walked together towards the castle, with the latter holding her horse's reins. How did Lucy manage to convince Olivia to come with her? She had no idea.

"What did you mean by magic?" Olivia asked her as she avoided a large rock protruding from the road.

Lucy grinned at her. "It's this land. It's all magic.

"That doesn't really explain that much," she pointed out.

She chuckled before answering Olivia. "This place is called Narnia."

"Narnia? What is this, like a country?"

"It's more of a world."

"Really? A world that was inside my room?"

Lucy laughed at her. Olivia couldn't help but join her due to the ridiculousness of the situation.

When Lucy got her breath back, she continued to explain. "Like I said, it's magic, this whole place is. So whatever it was that brought you here from your room, that was magic."

"But magic isn't real."

"It is here."

This girl is adamant about the whole magic thing, Olivia thought. She decided to humor her.

"So you mean to say that his world exists because of magic. And that I am here because of magic?"

Lucy hummed. "Exactly."

"Well, besides the magic, why else am I here? I mean, out of the billions of people, why me?"

Suddenly, Lucy stopped and turned to look at her. "Honestly, it's kind of hard to say. Narnians believe that you enter this world for a reason."

"And what reason would that be?" Olivia crossed her arms.

"It could be lots of reasons." Lucy shrugged, then continued walking.

"Can't you give me one?"

"I can't really think of something on top of my head right now." Lucy made an excuse. She couldn't tell her all about Narnia without her siblings. It's better if they're together when they tell Olivia that Narnia is a magical land full of prophecies.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at her. It was doubtful that she didn't know anything. But before she could question her more, Lucy pointed to someone in the distance.

"There's one of my brothers! Edmund!" she called out to him.

Olivia followed to where she was pointing it and saw a man about to enter the castle. He has some sort of medieval outfit. It was similar to Lucy's, one she hadn't asked her about yet. He has a silver crown on top of his raven hair and a scabbard strapped on his waist.

"Is your brother the king?"

"Yes," replied Lucy. "So is my other brother. And me and my sister, we are both queens."

Olivia whipped her head towards her. "You are a queen? Why didn't you say so?"

Lucy smiled at her. "I just prefer to be called by my name, you know. Less formalities."

"But how is it that four of you are kings and queens simultaneously? I've never heard of anything like that." Olivia looked at her, confounded.

"We were crowned at the same time. We rule as a tetrarchy. But our oldest brother, Peter, is the High King. He holds more power than us."

Olivia nodded thoughtfully. Their monarchy system still confused her, but who was she to question it?

When they got closer to the castle, Edmund went to greet them.

"Lu," he first looked at his sister. Then, he turned his attention to Olivia, who gave him an apprehensive smile.

"Ed, this is Olivia."

He outstretched his hand to her, "Olivia. My name is Edmund. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She shook his hand. "Likewise."

"So, how did you arrive here in Narnia?" he asked.

Olivia gave Lucy a look before answering. "Well, as per Lucy, it was magic." Lucy chuckled at her answer.

Edmund gave his sister an exasperated look, which just caused more laughter from her. "That's very," he paused, trying to find the right word, "vague."

"I don't think vague is enough to describe it," she replied dryly.

Edmund gave her an amused look, and Lucy just smiled beside her.

Then, Olivia just remembered that they were royals. "Oh! Am I supposed to curtsy?" she asked to no one in particular, then curtsied.

"A bit late, don't you think?" Edmund smirked at her.

She wanted to roll her eyes at him but fought it.

"Ed!" Lucy playfully scolded her brother. "No worries, Olivia. Edmund and I aren't particularly strict with these customs. Well, unless it is a formal event. But for you, there is no need to."

"Are you sure?"


Olivia turned to look at Edmund, waiting for him to answer. He still had that annoying smirk on his face.

Lucy slapped his arm. "Come on, Ed!"

Edmund chuckled lowly. "Alright, yes," he agreed with Lucy's statement.

Satisfied, Lucy clapped her hands. "Well, that's great then. Olivia will be staying with us in the meantime."

"I am?" Olivia wasn't aware of that earlier.

"Of course, where else would you stay," Lucy said as if it was the most obvious thing.

She was right. Olivia had nowhere else to stay. So, she had no choice - unless this magic could bring her back home, which seemed unlikely.

Besides, Lucy has been kind and truthful to her. Well, other than her dodging the question as to why she was here. But she could ask her about that later.

"So I have to bring back Cal to the stables. How about you show Olivia to the guest room, Ed?"


"Yes, you. Now hurry along. Olivia needs some rest." Lucy told him and led her horse away before Edmund could protest.

"I'm not really that tired," Olivia mumbled, more to herself.

She stood there awkwardly when Lucy left. She looked around, trying to look anywhere else other than Edmund. Then they met eyes.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she asked defensively.

"Nothing." He shook his head. "Come on, before Lucy comes back and sees that we haven't moved an inch since she left." He offered his arm for her to take.

This time, Olivia raised an eyebrow at him.

"What are you waiting for? It's an arm. You link your hand to it." He said sarcastically.

"I know. But why?"

"Because you're a lady."

"It's chivalrous."

"I'm a gentleman."

"Now that, I'm not so sure," she retorted but still took his arm. Edmund rolled his eyes at her before leading her inside the castle. 

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