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In the bustling city of Tokyo, where neon lights flicker against the backdrop of starless nights, lies a tale of love entangled in toxicity

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In the bustling city of Tokyo, where neon lights flicker against the backdrop of starless nights, lies a tale of love entangled in toxicity. At first glance, Y/n and Takuya seemed like the epitome of a picture-perfect couple – admired by many, envied by most. Their love story began amidst laughter and tender embraces, promising forever in each other's arms.

But behind closed doors, the facade crumbled, revealing the cracks in their once healthy relationship. It all began as a whisper of possessiveness, a subtle shift in Takuya's demeanor that went unnoticed at first. Yet, as time unfurled its relentless march, his grip tightened, suffocating the flames of passion that once burned brightly between them.

Their love, once a beacon of hope, now a battleground where egos clashed and hearts bled. Every word uttered became a weapon, every touch laced with resentment. Y/n found herself walking on eggshells, tiptoeing around Takuya's unpredictable temper, desperate to avoid the storm that brewed within him.

Yet, amidst the chaos and tears, a sliver of love still lingered – buried beneath layers of hurt and mistrust. Can they salvage what remains of their shattered bond, or are they doomed to watch it crumble into irreparable fragments? As the city's heartbeat thrums with uncertainty, Y/n and Takuya stand at the crossroads of love and despair, uncertain of what lies ahead.

 Can they salvage what remains of their shattered bond, or are they doomed to watch it crumble into irreparable fragments? As the city's heartbeat thrums with uncertainty, Y/n and Takuya stand at the crossroads of love and despair, uncertain of wh...

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kxromixxy bae thank you again for prologue! I'll still have many idea for fanfics to come! I'll start to  get more out of so you can at least see

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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