Please, Stay

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Author Notes: IMPORTANT!!!! BEFORE anything else. I've had a few comments/replies/reviews ask if this story is connected or tied to my other fanfic "Forever, With You".

The short answer: Yes.

But these two stories are also different, that's as much as I can say without spoiling both stories...

And while on the topic of my other fanfic... "Forever, With You" chapter 2 is being written as I type this! Unfortunately, I cannot give a date on which it'll be released. The reason I'm giving dates for "Peace" is because the story is complete and finished. "Forever, With You" will take time to complete.

I don't have any other updates other than March 12th (03/12/2024) is the release date for Chapter 4!

Tell me what you think of this chapter! I love reading your comments/reviews and I try to respond to all that I can!

Enough rambling, please enjoy!

Saitama x Tatsumaki


- Chapter 3 -

Please, Stay

City A: July 28, 2023 – 7:52 AM

He woke up first.

It was the crack of dawn; the sun was just setting in – he could see it through the window and in all its beauty. It was warm, wholesome, and cozy. It made him relax, although he knew it wouldn't be a good idea since he'd just laze about.

But he didn't get much sleep.

He groaned slightly when he felt Rover's tongue lick his face. He tended to do that sometimes. He didn't hate it... he just didn't like having to clean himself afterwards, too much of a hassle.

He scratched and petted Rover's chin, leaning into his touch and wagging his tail in excitement.

The weird monkey with the white face was still sound asleep. It was probably best he didn't wake him up, he was annoying.

He strolled to the kitchen in the hopes there was any food in the fridge. He doubted Genos would mind if he rummaged through his fridge.

He had a massive, big ol' steak, more than likely for Rover. Had some chicken (for the afternoon). Rice and some eggs.

Man... he knew that Genos was rich, like, really rich... or extremely well off.

The idea of him taking on his habits because he, himself, refused to look for a job for three years is depressing. It's super helpful. And it's a trait that Genos is good at. He's giving him the idea that living like a bum makes you 'enlightened'.

But his friend needs to become more independent of him. It's the reason why he's not currently his roommate in his new apartment (and also because it's legitimately too small for the both of them).

No... he was just an extremely bad teacher, and very bad with his finances.

Even now, he still tippytoed about teaching Genos. And his own wealth of course. And yep, very in the red.

He shook his head. He would pay back his disciple (at a later time, and in some way). It was the least he could do for all the things he's done for him. Also since he was rummaging through his stuff to eat and not use up his own (limited) supply.

Oh, right.

The shorty, Tatsumaki.

He thought for a long while...

PeaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora