Truth Will set you Free

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Hi! El Cato here, and as promised, chapter 4!

So hopefully you read the AN at the top, for the sake of not disrupting the flow of the story, the important news will be in the author's notes at the end of the chapter. Share with me what you thought of this chapter.

Special Thanks to: the SaiTatsu Subreddit! and ALL OF YOU LOVELY READERS. I love reading and replying to your comments and reviews!

Thank you for reading!

Saitama x Tatsumaki


- Chapter 4 -

Truth Will set you Free

Under Master Saitama's tutelage, Genos had prepared himself for every possible scenario.

When he fought against Carnage Kabuto, it became clear that he needed an upgrade to his strength and power output.

There were some things he couldn't do back then; the meteor was a prime example of his limitations.

When he faced the Deep Sea King, he needed his armor to be resistant to corrosive attacks. It was far from perfect, but his metal body was resistant to most toxic weapons and artillery.

Defeating G4 had granted him a new set of abilities.

Higher forms of power, and an ability that allowed him to fend off exceedingly powerful Dragon-level threats.

He used those to assist the dwarf from getting eviscerated. Despite his disdain for her, it was something Saitama-sensei would have done without skipping a beat.

He had gained the plague's respect, and he would have maintained the same courtesy for her as well...

If she didn't also have an interest in his sensei.

He had tried to warn her that interrupting Saitama sensei's precious time and patience would bore her no fruits, and would be as constructive as watching paint dry.

She did not care, and that irked him.

So he tried to 'suggest' to her that if need be, he would fight her in his place so that she wouldn't waste his master's time with her boorish and unfruitful requests.

She took that as a threat and a challenge (it was), and she was ready to fight him off as well.

The dwarf was lucky that King had arrived just in time to save her from being scorched.

Having had a recent upgrade that allowed him to pick off Dragon-level threats with ease would surely close the gap between their power levels...Surely.

... Right?

Regardless. Out of everything that Master Saitama had prepared him for, the hero's intuition that he had instilled in his heart. The path to justice.

So when he opened the door to Saitama sensei's apartment.

The absolute. LAST THING. He would have ever expected to see the blight that was pestering Saitama sensei for three weeks straight casually playing a platform fighting game with him. And judging by his expression... he was losing badly.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" his yelling felt more like a cry of confusion. "There is no way you've never played video games ever! This game has a learning curve!"

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