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It's over - finally. I leave the building I will never set a foot in again. Moving with the crowd towards the parking lot, I try to make out the red Ford Focus that should be waiting for me.

"Hyunjin! Hwang Hyunjin is that you?", a siren would be a whisper compared to that woman's voice. At least I could hear her perfectly clear over the loud chatter and cheers of my not anymore classmates. I turned around to face the small blonde lady standing next to a baby blue Suzuki Swift that fit her outfit perfectly.

Putting on a smile, I tried my best to not sound annoyed. "Hello Mrs Choi. I haven't seen you in a while", I said bowing quickly.
That seemed to be enough for her to fall into her typical mom-chatter state. Her eyes began to sparkle while she exclaimed: "Oh such a polite young man. Your parents must be proud of you! Now what are your plans for the future? San is going to work and his father's company. Oh he will do perfect I'm sure! And in ten years he can take over his own label, everything is laid out for his great career!"

I kept nodding, dissociating a bit while scanning the leftover cars. As quickly as the crowd filled the big concrete ground it left same ground in several vehicles. The bus was gone too already.

I thought about Mrs Choi's words. Ten years.. I didn't see myself anywhere in ten years - hopefully..

My thoughts and the woman's talking got disrupted by a deep voice. "Ah Mrs Choi, it's always a pleasure to see you! Now where did you get that pretty skirt from? Is that Louis Vuitton? It suits you perfectly, I'm always amazed by your ageless style!" The blond hugged the small lady and I had to chuckle by the look on her face. Not everyone took Felix's outgoing attitude - and lack of manners - that easily.
A little baffled she turned to her son who bowed instead and lightly hit his arm. "Even on your last day you make me wait! How come everyone manages to leave on time but you?"

I looked back and forth between the two then I made out another silhouette behind the broad shoulders of Choi San. Wooyoung kept fidgeting with his shirt while trying to look less guilty. It was quite an amusing scene seeing him act completely different on a daily basis.

A hand landed on my shoulder. "Aye mate, your mom not coming or just at home?", Felix joked - gladly quietly so only I could hear him. Oh I wish I could hate him as much as ...

San looked quite nervous asking his mother: "Mom, can Wooyoung come with us? He lives in the same street."
"Oh of course! Wooyoung sweetie, how come I've never seen you before? You must be a close friend of San", she answered cheerfully.
Felix and I shared a look and laughed. This scene was kind of obscure, I never thought it would happen. There was definitely a reason Mrs Choi didn't know of Wooyoung although him and her son were .. very close ..

"You coming with us?", San's pleading voice stopped my track of thoughts. The drive home would be awkward with those three in the car.

"Nah, we're good! Thanks Mrs C!" Felix now slung his arm around my shoulders and turned us around. It was unnecessary to wait for my mom anymore - she probably forgot her son graduated high school today..

As much as I despise being around people nonstop, Felix is nice company most of the time. Today dressed rather modest for his likings, he pulled a box of cigarettes out of the pocket of his way too big hoodie.
"Ah fuck", he mumbled while searching through the big pocket he probably could hide a lot of drugs in. I pulled out the lighter I always carry around because he keeps loosing his.
I lit it up and held it towards him. "Here."
"Oh sweets! Hyunjin my prince in shining armor! What would I do without you?", he shouted while holding the end of his cigarette into the flame.
He took a puff and rested his head against my arm. God, this guy doesn't know what personal space is.
I let him be and look around. From our old school it's a 45 minutes walk to the place we call home. The tiny crammed space beneath the roof of the house that belonged to an old lady who didn't take a lot of rent from us still feels unfamiliar. I'm glad I moved out and in with my best friend. Out of all the people that stood queue to get noticed by him, he chose to spend his youth with me. Or better say waste his youth. Lighting up a second cigarette he looks up to me and smiles brightly.
"I can't wait for our real lives to finally begin!"

Hi everyone! First chapter hehe
Dw the next ones are planned to be a bit longer! I still hope you like this one ^^

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