Virtue Ethics and Moral Psychology

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The Stoics placed great emphasis on developing moral character, wisdom, and resilience through practicing four key virtues:

1. Wisdom - Discernment, perspective, decisiveness

2. Courage - Bravery, resilience, justice, facing fears

3. Temperance - Self-control, moderation, modesty 

4. Justice - Social conscience, ethics, humanity

They believed living virtuously was the supreme human good and way to transcend destructive emotions:

- Wisdom transforms adversity into growth and discernment.

- Courage provides the mental fortitude to act ethically when facing social pressure.  

- Temperance counteracts greed, lust, gluttony, vanity and other excesses.

- Justice pursues moral duty regardless of social status, reputation, or convenience.

Regular examination of conscience and focus on virtue provides a moral compass for character development and wise decision-making. Understand how Stoic virtue ethics enrich modern psychology.

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